
10. On the Core of a Patent Licensing Game (with Ryo Shirakawa)

     Economics Letters, 2023, Vol. 233, 111374.

9. The In-group Egalitarian Owen Values (with Takaaki Abe)

     Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, Vol.142, 1-16.

     Online Appendix

8. Potentials and Solutions of Cooperative Games with a Fixed Player Set (with Takaaki Abe)

    International Journal of Game Theory, 2023, Vol.52, Issue 3, 757-774.

7. Core Stability of the Shapley Value for Cooperative Games (with Takaaki Abe)

 Social Choice and Welfare, 2023, Vol.60, Issue 4, 523-543.

    Online Appendix

     The previous version received the Kanematsu Fellowship Prize 2017.

6. On the Unique Core Partition of Coalition Formation Games: Correction to Inal (2015) (with Ryo Shirakawa)

 Social Choice and Welfare, 2023, Vol.60, Issue 3, 517-521.

5. The Weighted-Egalitarian Shapley Values (with Takaaki Abe)

    Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, Vol.52, Issue 2, 197–213.

4. Envy-free Allocation of  Indivisible Goods with Money and Externalities

    Economics Bulletin, 2018, Vol. 38, Issue 1, 52–59.

3. A Shapley Value Representation of Network Potentials

    International Journal of Game Theory, 2018, Vol.47, Issue 4, 1151-1157.

    This working paper version includes some additional results.

2. Evolutionary Implementation of Efficient Networks (with Yoshimasa Katayama and Taishi Sassano)

    Economics Bulletin, 2017, Vol. 37, Issue 3, 2149-2161.

1. Monotonic Redistribution: Reconciling Performance-based Allocation and Weighted Division (with Takaaki Abe)

   International Game Theory Review, 2017, Vol. 19, Issue 04.

Working Papers

The Multi-Threshold Generalized Sufficientarianism and Level-Origarchy (with Norihito Sakamoto), March 2024

Shapley Meets Debreu: A Decision-theoretic Foundation for Monotonic Solutions of TU-games, revised May 2024

Fair Allocation in Hierarchies: A Compromise between Marginalism and Egalitarianism (with Takaaki Abe and David Lowing), revised February 2024

A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Intentional Disregard under Sequential Persuasion (with Wataru Kitano), March 2023

Does Licensing Enhance Collusion?: A Coalition Formation Game Approach (with Ryo Shirakawa), revised February 2024

Robust Voting under Uncertainty (with Shmuel Nitzan and Takashi Ui), revised December 2021 (The latest version, revised October 2023, is available upon request)

Subjective and Objective Probabilities in Representation of Preferences under Uncertainty (with Hiroyuki Ozaki), revised April 2023