Research Articles
名畑目真吾. (2022). 「英文読解に要する処理労力と文章の言語的特徴の関係ー眼球運動測定を用いた検討ー」. 読書科学 (The Science of Reading), 63(2), 67-88. ←NEW
Nahatame, S. (2022). Causal and semantic relations in L2 text processing: An eye-tracking study. Reading in a Foreign Language, 34(1), 91-115. ←NEW
Nahatame, S. (2021). Text readability and processing effort in second language reading: A computational and eye-tracking investigation. Language Learning, 71(4), 1004-1043. (Read-only version is available from here)
名畑目真吾. (2021). 「年少者向け英語読み物教材における文章の結束性ーコンピューターツールによる分析に基づいてー」. 読書科学 (The Science of Reading), 62(3-4), 146-159.
Nahatame, S. (2020). Revisiting second language readers' memory for narrative texts: The role of causal and semantic text relations. Reading Psychology, 41, 753-777.
名畑目真吾・木村雪乃. (2020). 「年少英語学習者向け読み物教材の言語的特徴と難易度:英文解析プログラムによる多面的な分析に基づいて 」. 小学校英語教育学会誌 (JES Journal), 20, 228-243. (available from here)
Nahatame, S. (2019). Sentence semantic relations and second language text memory: An approximate replication study. Language Education & Technology, 56, 1-22.
Ushiro, Y., Ogiso, T., Nahatame, S., Hosoda, M., Kamimura, K., Sasaki, Y., Komuro, R., Okada, R., & Aoki, S. (2019). EFL readers’ understanding of protagonist, temporal, and spatial Links in narrative: Evidence from eye tracking. ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), 31, 97-112.
名畑目真吾・木村雪乃. (2019). 「言語的特徴に基づく小学生向けストーリー教材の分類: 英文解析プログラムを用いた多面的な分析」. 小学校英語教育学会誌 (JES Journal), 19, 70-85.
Ushiro, Y., Ogiso, T., Hosoda, M., Nahatame, S., ,Kamimura, K., Sasaki, Y., Keeoku, M., & Sekine, T. (2019). How EFL readers understand the protagonist, causal, and intentional links of narratives: An eye-tracking study. ARELE , 30, 161-176.
名畑目真吾 (2019). 「外国語教育に関する研究動向 : 自然言語処理研究との接点に着目して 」. 筑波教育学研究, 17, 33-52. doi: 10.15068/00155407
Nahatame, S. (2018). Comprehension and processing of paired sentences in second language reading: A comparison of causal and semantic relatedness. Modern Language Journal, 102, 392-415. (available from here)
名畑目真吾. (2018). 「小学生向けストーリー教材の文脈の分析:文間の意味的な関連度に基づいて」. 小学校英語教育学会誌 (JES Journal), 18, 84-99. (available from here)
Ushiro, Y., Hosoda, M., Nahatame, S., Mori, Y., Suzuki, K., Tada, G., Ogiso, T., Kamimura, K., Sasaki, Y., & Mandokoro, R. (2018). Understanding protagonist, causal, and intentional links during EFL narrative reading. ARELE, 29, 81-96.
Nahatame, S. (2017). Standards of coherence in second language reading: Sentence connectivity and reading proficiency. Reading in a Foreign Language, 29, 86–112. (available from here)
名畑目真吾. (2017). 「小学生向け英語教材の分析における潜在意味解析の利用可能性-Hi, friends! の物語文を題材とした事例-」. 共栄大学研究論集, 15, 326-346. (available from here)
Ushiro, Y., Nahatame, S., Hasegawa, Y., Kimura, Y., Hamada, A., Tanaka, N., Hosoda, M., Mori, Y. (2016). Maintaining the coherence of situation models in EFL reading: Evidence from eye movements. JACET Journal, 60, 37–55.
名畑目真吾. (2016). 「小学校外国語活動の指導に対する教育学部生の意識:意識構造と個人差を焦点に」. 共栄大学研究論集, 14, 217-232. (available here)
Nahatame, S. (2015). Revision of predictive inferences and Japanese EFL learners’ text comprehension processes: A study of eye movements during reading. ARELE, 26, 45-60 (available here)
Ushiro, Y., Hamada, A., Kimura, Y., Nahatame, S., Hosoda, M., Kato, D., & Watanabe, Y. (2015). Building causally coherent mental representations and learning from expository texts among Japanese EFL readers. JACET Journal, 59, 131–150.
Nahatame, S. (2014b). Strategic processing and predictive inference generation in L2 reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, 26, 54–77. (available from here)
名畑目真吾. (2014). 「小学校教員を志望する大学生の英語活動に関する意識調査」. 小学校英語教育学会誌 (JES Journal), 14, 131-146.
Nahatame, S. (2014a). Suppressing and revising incorrect predictive inferences in EFL reading: An empirical study using the meaningfulness judgment task and sentence recognition task. ARELE, 25, 159-174.
Ushiro, Y., Nahatame, S., Hasegawa, Y., Kimura, Y., Hamada, A., & Tanaka, N. (2014). Narrative character's goal and EFL readers' text comprehension: Focusing on goal explicitness. ARELE, 25, 1-16.
Nahatame, S. (2013c). Semantic and causal relatedness in the process of predictive inference generation among Japanese EFL readers. In A. N. Archibald (Ed), Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied Linguistics (Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics) (pp. 249–271). London: Scitsiugnil Press. (available from here)
Nahatame, S. (2013b). Predictive inference generation during Japanese EFL reading: Focusing on contextual constraint and local coherence of text. JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers) Journal, 56, 19-38. (available from here)
Nahatame, S. (2013a). Cognitive demands and the process of predictive inference generation in Japanese EFL reading. ARELE, 24, 173-188. (available from here)
Ushiro, Y., Takaki, S., Kobayashi, M., Hasegawa. Y., Nahatame, S., Hamada, A., & Kimura, Y. (2013). Measures of macroproposition construction in EFL reading: Summary writing task vs. the meaning identification technique. JLTA Journal, 16, 185-204.
Ushiro, Y., Hasegawa, Y., Nahatame, S., Hamada, A., Kimura, Y., Mori, Y., & Kato, D. (2013). Incremental learning of homonyms in multiple contexts among Japanese EFL readers. JACET Journal, 57, 1-19.
Ushiro, Y., Hamada, A., Hasegawa. Y., Nahatame, S., Kimura, Y., Shimizu, H., Takaki, S., Kobayashi, M., & Tanaka, N. (2013). Discourse-based lexical inferencing in EFL reading: Focusing on depth of vocabulary knowledge and cue availability. ARELE, 24, 77-92.
名畑目真吾. (2012). 「Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) による空所補充型読解テストの解明:文レベルの意味的関連度を観点として」. STEP (the Society for Testing English Proficiency) Bulletin, 24, 42-58. (available from here)
Nahatame, S. (2012). Examining the suppression of predictive inferences among Japanese EFL readers, ARELE, 23, 169-184. (available from here)
Ushiro, Y., Nahatame, S., Hasegawa, Y., Shimizu, H., Kimura, Y., Tanaka, Y., & Nakagawa, C. (2012). Activation and encoding of bridging and predictive inferences in EFL reading comprehension. JACET Journal, 54, 33-52.
Ushiro, Y., Hasegawa, Y., Nahatame, S., Shimizu, H., Takaki, S., Hamada, A., & Nakagawa, C. (2012). How Japanese EFL readers revise their situation models: Focusing on reading skills and the causal structure of texts. ARELE, 23, 105-120.
Nahatame, S. (2011b). What do Japanese EFL learners predict will happen next during narrative reading? IRICE (Institute for Research in International Communicative English) PLAZA, 21, 108-115.
Nahatame, S. (2011a). How predictive inference generation influences Japanese EFL learners’ reading: Focusing on comprehension, sentence processing, and the timing of making inferences. ARELE, 22, 79-94. (available from here)
Ushiro, Y., Kai, A., Shimizu, H., Hoshino, Y., Nahatame, S., Hasegawa, Y., Yano, K., & Nakagawa, C. (2011). Effects of flashback on Japanese EFL readers’ narrative comprehension, ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), 22, 111-126.
Nahatame, S. (2010). Effects of predictive inferences on Japanese EFL learners’ reading comprehension: Focusing on goal information in narrative. KATE (Kantou-koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English) Bulletin, 24, 49-60. (available from here)
Book Chapters
名畑目真吾 (2019). 「小学校における外国語指導」.藤田晃之・佐藤博志・根津朋実・平井悠介 (編著). 『最新 教育キーワード 155のキーワードで押さえる教育』(pp. 60-61). 東京:時事通信社出版.
名畑目真吾・木村雪乃 (2018). 「第7章 英語の文字とその取り扱い」. 吉田武男(監修)・ 卯城祐司 (編著). 『初等外国語教育(MINERVAはじめて学ぶ教科教育)』(pp. 79-91). 東京:ミネルヴァ書房.
名畑目真吾 (2018). 「第9章 クラスルームイングリッシュの活用」. 吉田武男(監修)・ 卯城祐司 (編著). 『初等外国語教育(MINERVAはじめて学ぶ教科教育)』(pp. 105-115). 東京:ミネルヴァ書房.
名畑目真吾 (2018). 「第11章 指導計画の作成と指導の留意点」. 吉田武男(監修)・ 卯城祐司 (編著). 『初等外国語教育(MINERVAはじめて学ぶ教科教育)』(pp. 133-144). 東京:ミネルヴァ書房.
名畑目真吾 (2016). 「頭の体操、英語のクイズに挑戦しよう!」ほか3編. 小学生のための英語教育研究グループ. 『英語好きな子に育つたのしいお話365: 遊んでみよう、聞いてみよう、話してみよう 体験型読み聞かせブック』. 東京: 誠文堂新光社.
卯城祐司・名畑目真吾・長谷川佑介・木村雪乃・濱田彰・Peter Serafin・Xanthe Smith. (2015). 『Reading Cycle: 循環型で学ぶ英語リーディング演習』. 東京: 金星堂.
名畑目真吾 (2012). 「質問や選択肢のない問題:空所補充問題が測定するもの」. 卯城祐司 (編著). 『英語リーディングテス ト の考え方と 作り方』(pp. 53-58). 東京:研究社
科学研究費補助金 特別研究員奨励費 (H.24~H.26)「日本人英語学習者の読解における予期的推論生成とテキスト理 解プロセスの関連」 【代表】
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) (H.25~H.27) 「英文理解の破綻と修復プロセスの検証:眼球運動測定研究に基づく読解指導への提案」 【分担】(研究代表者:卯城祐司・筑波大学)
科学研究費補助金 研究活動スタート支援 (H.27~H.28) 「文と文のつながりに基づく英文読解メカニズムの解明:因果的関連と意味的関連の比較」 【代表】
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究 (B) (H.28~H.31) 「英文理解における5つの状況的次元の更新プロセス:視線計測を用いたアプローチ」【分担】(研究代表者:卯城祐司・筑波大学)
科学研究費補助金 若手研究 (B) (H.29~H.32) 「英文理解における概念間の意味的関連度の影響:テキスト単位と発達段階による比較」【代表】
全国英語教育学会 学術奨励賞 受賞(共著論文[1])
第24回(平成23年度)英検研究助成 奨励研究入選 「Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) による空所補充型読解テストの解明:文レベルの意味的関連度を観点として」
Nahatame, S. (2015). Making and Revising Predictive Inferences in Japanese EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Tsukuba. (available from here)
Nahatame, S. (2012). Predictive inference generation and comprehension processes among Japanese EFL readers. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Tsukuba.
Nahatame, S. (2010). Effects of predictive inferences on Japanese EFL learners’ reading comprehension: Focusing on goal Plans of a character in narrative. Unpublished Bachelor’s Thesis at University of Tsukuba.
Presentation (Selected)
Nahatame, S. (2019, March). Comprehension processes in L2 reading: The role of causal and semantic text relations. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta. (Slide)
Nahatame, S. (2018, July). Semantic memory of second language readers: An empirical study employing latent semantic analysis. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Text & Discourse, Brighton, U.K.
Nahatame, S. (2017, March). Causal and semantic relatedness effects on L2 text processing and memory: Evidence from self-paced reading and recall. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland. (Slide)
Nahatame, S. (2016, August). Text coherence perceived by Japanese learners of English: The role of sentence connectivity and language proficiency. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Euro Second Language Association, Jyväskylä, Finland. (Poster)
Nahatame, S. (2015, March). Eye movements across sentences during L2 discourse processing: A study of Japanese learners of English. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Toronto. (Poster)
Nahatame, S. (2014, March). Effects of semantic and causal relatedness on text memory and coherence judgment by Japanese EFL learners. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland.