Welcome to the Messy Church page!

Messy Church is a place to have fun with crafts, paints, glue, etc.  It’s a place where we learn about Jesus in a fun way.  (No long sermons here!)  

Each Messy Church will have time for activities, where it is possible to move around and try lots of different things. We'll sing a song and have a short talk on the theme. Afterwards we'll join together for a meal.

Messy Church is not just for children, families are encouraged to take part in activities together and sit down and eat together. We also offer coffee and cake for the parents after our small service, giving you a chance to stop and chat with others. It's all very friendly.

As we start our new term, we'd like you all to learn the action version of The Lord's Prayer so we can all join in together during the service, it should be fun and we hope you have fun learning it! Please see the Youtube link to the left. Don't worry if you can't, you can have fun watching everyone else trying and keep your eye on Rev Pete, he might make a few mistakes!

Messy Church is held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 3:30pm. At Easter and Christmas we will have Messy Christingle and Messy Easter. Why not send your email to us and we'll add you to Messy Church 'what's on' where you'll receive all up and coming news: vicar4nqrwchurches@gmail.com

This terms Messy Church will be held on February 25th, Good Friday Messy Easter 10.30am 29th March, 28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 28th July.