
We are interested in passionate and motivated undergraduate students,

graduate students and postdoctoral associates.

If you are interested in joining our group,

please feel free to contact Prof. Myungwoong Kim.

Current Members

Principal Investigator

Professor of Chemistry 

Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Inha University, Incheon, Korea

E-mal: mkim233 (at)

[Google Scholar]       [ORCID]       [Researchgate]

[CRIC Interview (한국화학정보센터 인터뷰: 기승전화학)]

(For more details, click here.)

Dr. Myungwoong Kim received his B.S. in Chemistry (2002) and M.S. in Physical Chemistry (2004) from Hanyang University under a guidance of Prof. Daewon Sohn. He then worked for several years in photopatterning materials industry. He completed his Ph.D. in Materials Science (2013) at University of Wisconsin – Madison under supervision of Prof. Padma Gopalan. He then conducted his postdoctoral research in Prof. Christopher K. Ober’s group at Cornell University. In 2015, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Inha University to begin his independent research career. His current research interests include precision polymer synthesis for desired structures and properties, surface and interface engineering, polymeric material designs for micro/nanofabrications, for functional gels, and for understanding polymer dynamics.

Graduate Students

kim, SEUNGjun

김 승 준

PhD student (2021 ~ present)

Joined in January, 2021

choi, seung kun

최 승 균

Master student (2023 ~ present)

Joined in January, 2022

lee, hyunji

이 현 지

Master student (2023 ~ present)

Joined in January, 2022

lee, hyeji

이 혜 지

Master student (2023 ~ present)

Joined in January, 2022

lee, Dahye

이 다 혜

Joined in January, 2023

yoon, sangmin

윤 상 민

Joined in January, 2023

park, juyoung

박 주 영

Joined in January, 2023

Do, suhee

도 수 희

Joined in June, 2024

Undergraduate Students

ha, jaewon

하 재 원

Joined in January, 2024

Kim, hyedam

김 혜 담

Joined in January, 2024

lee, minha

이 민 하

Joined in January, 2024