I am a Senior Researcher seeking to facilitate a transition to electric vehicles that is rooted in creating good jobs which are equitable and just for communities in the US. 

Before that, I was a Lead Organizer with UAW 5810 and UAW 2865 (now one union under Local 4811), where I helped organize the first Postdoc strike and the largest academic worker strike in the country. As Vice President of UAW 5810, I helped negotiate industry-setting contracts, which included improvements such as grievable and arbitrable anti-bullying protections, a doubling of fully-paid parental leave for birthing and non-birthing parents, a childcare benefit, and more.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher with the Center for Integrative Planetary Science and in the Department of Earth and Planetary Science at UC Berkeley. I defended my PhD in the  Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Yale University in Spring 2020. I completed my B.A. in Geophysics and Applied Mathematics at UC Berkeley in 2015.

Here is a link to my Google Scholar page and to my ORCID. Here is my CV.