Privacy Policy for Android Apps

Welcome to the Android Apps offered by Smart Ilocker Studio

We are providing this screen lock for the android mobiles along with shortcut function from which user can be able to do operation on a daily routine function application. Just like wifi, bluetooth, auto rotation of the mobile, touch light toggle button, camera shortcut button for just opening the camera calculator etc. We are committed to the term and condition of the Google play store policies. We are not misusing any thing of the user. We use Google analytics that may analyse your application usage behaviour. We are using 3rd party advertising SDKs to compensate at least for our expenses. By using our application you understand that we may or may not show you ads but we are not sharing your information neither with any third party nor we are taking any information or any thing from user for us. We do not collect any sort of personal information from the user. The information which we are using is only for managing the shortcuts for the user.

We are using mobile phone's following hardwares and permission in our application.


We are using camera for helping the user by giving shortcut way to open the camera from our app. We are not taking users pictures nor using saving any sort of data, photo of the users.


We are using READ sms permission in our application, the main purpose of this is to count unread messages of the user and showing on the screen of the application. We are not sharing or reading the sms of the user.


Just like sms, we are counting unread miss call to facilitate the user to view total number of unread miss calls.

Wifi State:

We need this permission to toggle the wifi from our application Just providing user a shortcut where he/she can toggle the wifi.


Just like Wifi we are also using bluetooth permission for the toggling purpose of the bluetooth for managing the shortcut for the user facilitation.

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