UPnP ontology




The UPnP ontology represents the devices and services defined by the UpnP device architecture specification. A device (Device class) represents a logical device and is a container that embeds one or more services (Service class )and may embed other logical devices (Device class). A device must have a description (DeviceDescription class), which contains all relevant information about the device filled in by the vendor, such as manufacturer name, model name, model number, serial number, and URLs for control, eventing, and presentation, among others. The device description also includes the services corresponding to that specific device (hasService property). A service exposes some actions (Action class), namely the commands supported by the service, and state variables that characterise the status of the service (StateVariable class). Actions and state variables are specified in the service description (ServiceDescription class). An action has arguments (Argument class), which are parameters that can be input or output of a service, and may have a return value. A state variable can trigger events (Event class) as notification of one or more changes in the state variables exposed by a service.

The ontology instantiates examples for the SolarBlindProtection, HVAC_System and HVAC_ZoneThermostat devices with their corresponding services. Consider the SolarProtectionBlind instance of the Device class, which embeds the TwoWayMotionMotor instance of the Service class. Some manufacturer details of the SolarProtectionBlind device instance are mandatory and should be filled in, but they are left out from this version of the ontology for the sake of simplicity. The TwoWayMotionMotor service instance contains a number of corresponding actions, such as Close, Lock, Open, Stop, SetPosition, etc., and some state variables, such as OperationMode, Position and ServiceLocked.


  • The UPnP ontology presents instance of devices, services, actions, arguments and state variables that should be used as an example to further extend the ontology according to the source, namely the 'UPnP Device Architecture 1.1' document.