SmartCoDE ontology



The Smartcode ontology presents a classification of Energy using Products (EuPs) into seven categories, namely variable services (VARSVC class), thermal services (THMSVC class), schedulable services (SCDSVC class), event-timeout services (ETOSVC class), charge control (CHACON class), complete control (COMCON class), and custom control (CUSCON class). These products have some parameters, such as Configuration, OnlineInput and SensorInput. Each product is characterized by an energy management strategy (hasEnergyManagementStrategy property) and its cost profile can be of interest of not for energy management purposes (isCostProfileInteresting property).

The VARSVC class includes appliances that provide a user-variable service that is balanced with sensor input. For example, Blind, DimmableLighting and LightingIlluminaceControlled are variable services included in this class.

The THMSVC class includes appliances that provide an inert, thermal service that can serve as a virtual storage. For example, Freezer, Heating and WaterBoiler are thermal services included in this class.

The SCDSVC class includes appliances that provide a service that can be scheduled within a certain time-frame. For example, BakingMachine, Dryer and WashingMachine are schedulable services included in this class.

The ETOSVC class includes appliances that are controlled by sensor events and time-outs. For example, LightingPresenceControlled is an event-timeout service included in this class.

The CHACON class includes appliances that charge a possibly removable device. For example, BatteryCharger, Emergency and HandHeldVacuum are charge controls included in this class.

The COMCON class includes appliances that charge a possibly removable device, like CHACON, but the usage of the charged power can also be controlled. For example, RobotVacuum is a charge control included in this class.

The CUSCON class includes appliances that do not fit into other classes or have too high user interaction to be controllable. For example, Hifi, Oven and PC are appliances included in this class.


  • The enumerations under the Parameter class contain the values defined in the source of the ontology ('Deliverable D1.1.2 -Model of local energy resource cluster'). However, these enumerations can be extended with new values, if necessary.