DECT ULE ontology
The DECT ULE ontology describes the DECT ULE HF standard, which is based on a star network topology of network entities. A HFNetworkEntity can be a HFConcentrator, which is the network’s master device, or a HFDevice. There are up to thousands of devices supported by the concentrator and connected to it. The HF protocol supports several types of HF messages exchanged between network entities (i.e., commands, requests, responses), and each of these messages has a message type code. A HFMessage is structured in 3 fields (i.e., network, transport and application layers).
A HFNetworkEntity implements one or more services. A HFService is either fundamental for the correct operation of a HF network, or provides advanced network features that may be useful on certain applications. Services from the latter category are optional to implement, while fundamental services are mandatory. Mandatory services for the HFConcentrator are the AttributeReporting, BindManagement, DeviceInformation and DeviceManagement services. Mandatory services for a HFDevice are the AttributeReporting, DeviceInformation and DeviceManagement services.
An HFUnit is a conceptual entity inside a HFDevice that instantiates the functionality of a specific type. There are several unit types, namely HomeControlUnitType (Simple On-Off Switchable, Simple On-Off Switch, Simple Level Controllable, Simple Level Control, Simple Level Controllable Switchable, Simple Level Control switch, AC Outlet, AC Outlet with Simple Power Metering, Simple Light, Dimmable Light, Dimmer Switch, Simple Door Lock, Simple Door Bell, Simple Power Meter), SecurityUnitType (Simple Detector, Door Open Close Detector, Window Open Close Detector, Motion Detector, Smoke Detector, Gas Detector, Flood Detector, Glass Break Detector, Vibration Detector, Siren), HomecareUnitType (Simple Pendant), ApplicationUnitType (User Interface, Generic Application Logic), and ProprietaryUnitType. Each HFUnit has a unique identifier.
An HFInterface is a conceptual entity inside a HFUnit that defines a collection of commands and attributes, allowing for units to understand each another. Interfaces can be mandatory or optional to implement by a unit, and they have a role – client or server – associated with them. An HFInterface has attributes.
- The attributes of the HFInterface class are not defined in this version of the ontology because their level of granularity is too fine. However, this ontology can be extended to cover also the attributes by adding them under the Attribute class, according to the HF-Interface specification.