Welcome to Smart Manufacturing & Data Analytics Group !


Dear prospective students,

When you are reading our web pages, you might be considering to join our group for your senior project or graduate study or post-doc.

Our research group focuses on metaverse-based smart manufacturing and data analytics, such as industrial automation and robotics, additive manufacturing (AM), data analytics, and decision support. Our current primary research is in metal AM technologies, specifically the wire+arc additive manufacturing. Despite significant progress in the AM field, a number of technical challenges remain, such as lack of standards/guidelines; modeling and simulation tools; AM design tools; data information management; limited number of available materials; and build capacity, processing time, certification, and qualification. Among those challenges, we focus on four main specific topics 1) modeling and data analytics in AM, 2) big data management and data mining techniques in AM, 3) real time monitoring and quality Control, 4) issues of quality assurance and standard efforts.

If you wish to know more about our group, please feel free to email me.


Duckbong Kim

Contact: Dr. Duckbong Kim

Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Department, School of Engineering,

Tennessee Technological University

Email: dkim@tntech.edu

Tel.: +1)931-372-3327

Address: 920 N. Peachtree Ave. Lewis Hall 111A, Cookeville, TN 38505

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Duck_Bong_Kim2

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OJtZt_YAAAAJ&hl=en