Awards and Funding

  • IEEE Senior Membership, Grade elevation, 2020

  • Rising Star Award–Invest in Youth Program, European Society of Radiology, 2018

  • STIBET Assistantship from DAAD/ TUM Graduate School, 2016

  • IEEE Computer Society Richard E. Merwin Scholarships 2014 (April Cycle) [Citation].

  • IEEE Student Leadership Award – administered and awarded by IEEE Education Society, 2013[Award Citation].

  • A.T. Kearney Scholarship for the Falling Walls Conference, Berlin 2012 [Alumni 2012].

  • DAAD PhD Scholarships for PhD studies at TU München, 2012-2016

  • UK Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD studies at Imperial College London (relinquished), 2012

  • Dean's Fellowship, IIT Kharagpur, to attend IECBES Kuala Lumpur, 2010

  • IEEE Section Volunteer Award towards attendance of IECBES 2010 as Session Co-Chair, 2010

  • IEEE EMBS Sponsorship for attendance of EMBC 2010 as Founding Chair, IEEE EMB Student Club of IIT Kharagpur to receive EMB Best New Club/Chapter Award, 2010

  • IEEE University Partnership Program, Special Opportunities Grant for travel to EMBC 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010

  • KolkataNET Star Student Attendance Fellowship, TEDx Calcutta, IIM Calcutta, 2010

  • Transducer & BEAM Robotics Workshop, Shaastra 2005, IIT Madras, Awarded for Excellent Performance, 2005

  • Awarded with NalandaShree Scholarship for performance in Secondary Examination, 2001

  • Awarded with Merit Scholarships by Academic Culture & Promotion Society for excellent performance in National Level Talent Search Examination (Science) instituted at Bose Institute, Kolkata, 1998

Grants and Funding

  • IEEE HAC & SIGHT COVID-19 Grant : Portable air purification system for COVID19, [Phase I -- Aug 2020- May 2021 , Phase II rollout in progress]

Co-PI: Prakash Kamaraj (Forus Health)

  • AI for Earth Microsoft Azure Research Grant and Esri Licenses Award for the research project titled "AgrIndia−Developing tools for sustainable agriculture " [Feb 2018 - ongoing] -- Project Page AgrIndia

Co-PI: Debdoot Sheet, (IIT Kharagpur), Mentor/Patron: Prof. Ranjan Sen (KVK Kapgari), Prof. V K Tewari ( IIT Kharagpur)

  • IEEE RAS Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (RAS-SIGHT) Funding for the research project titled "Low-cost Handheld Plant Health Monitoring Device for Resource Limited Regions" [Nov 2017 - Oct 2019] -- Project Page AgrIndia
    Co-investigator: Tania Bera (IIT Kharagpur), Collaborator: Debdoot Sheet (IIT Kharagpur)

  • IEEE in 2030 Challange Seed Grant: One World, One Education for the project "Using Machine learning to deliver curated online educational content to STEM students" Co-PI: Shahul Hameed (IEEE Kerala Section) [Jan 2018 - Jan 2020]

  • IEEE Student Enterprise Awards 2014 for project titled ' Molecular Imaging for Non-invasive detection of Malaria' [with Praful. P. Pai and Tanvi Ranjan (IIT Kharagpur)] - funded by IEEE (USA).

  • All India Young Engineers' Humanitarian Challenge 2011 for project titled ' Cost effective screening system for malaria detection' funded by IEEE Foundation and IEEE Bangalore Section (R10). [IEEEtv]