
Course Syllabus (CS4363)

Course title: Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Course reference: CS4363

Level: Undergraduate

Semester: Fall 2014

Room/Meeting: Tuesday and Thursday from 04:30pm to 05:45pm at room J262

Course Prerequisites: Programming skills in C/C++ and CS3424

Textbook: Edward Angel, Dave Shreiner (2011) Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with Shader-based OpenGL (Sixth Edition), Addison/Wesley, (ISBN-10: 0132545233)

Other References: Francis S Hill Jr, Stephen M Kelley (2007) Computer Graphics Using OpenGL (Third Edition), Prentice Hall, (ISBN-10: 0131496700)

Teacher: Dr. Slim BECHIKH, Assistant Professor

Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 02:00 to 04:30pm at J379

Phone: 313-528-8535

E-mail: slim.bechikh@gmail.com

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/slimbechikh/teaching/fall-2014/cs4363-computer-graphics-and-multimedia

I) Course Coverage

1) Catalog description – The basic principles and practices of interactive computer graphics and multimedia systems are covered in this introductory course. The design and implementation of state-of-the-art computer graphic rendering and visual multimedia systems are the main part of the course. The sub-topics of the course deal with specific input/output hardware devices and their technology, software and hardware standards, programming methods for implementing 3-dimensional graphical applications and interactive multimedia applications, and a study and evaluation of the effectiveness of graphic/multimedia communications. A large component of the class is the building of a large-scale application.

2) Course focus – The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of computer graphics. The course will assume a good background in programming in C or C++ and a background in mathematics including familiarity with the theory and use of coordinate geometry and of linear algebra such as matrix multiplication. Students will use the standards based OpenGL library in several programming projects illustrating the theory and practice of programming computer graphics applications.

3) Course projects – The course is culminated with three projects that focus on computer graphics design, implementation, and testing using OpenGL, GLUT, etc.

II) Course outcomes

Students will be able to:

1) Demonstrate an understanding of how graphical information is represented to a graphics system and encoded by the system to create images;

2) Organize graphical information in a program in order to create images with a graphics API;

3) Use events in a graphics system to create interactive graphics displays;

4) Use a modern graphics API (such as OpenGL or DirectX) to create effective images; and

5) Construct programs and demonstrate proficiency using shaders written in languages such as HLSL, Cg, or GLSL.

III) Tentative course schedule

IV) Course load description and policies

1) Projects: There will be a three assigned projects. The success of these projects will certainly reinforce the knowledge and understanding of computer graphics and multimedia paradigms and principles. A large portion of the grade comes from the projects. Thus, students are encouraged to start them early.

2) Academic responsibility: You are to work alone, or in designated groups, on all assigned tasks. You are encouraged to consult with other students on assignments. However, any submitted work must be yours. Any form of copying or plagiarizing from current or past students’ work will result in disciplinary action and automatic F grade for an entire group, or students involved.

V) Additional Requirements

1) Each student is expected to be in attendance every class period.

2) The textbook is required and each student must have a copy during class time.

3) Assignment due dates must be adhered to. Each assignment will cover concepts/principles that will be discussed in the weeks following its assigned date.

4) The course projects (simulation) will be done in groups of two to allow team-oriented problem analysis, design, development, testing and demonstration.

5) Any form of copying or plagiarizing from past or current students’ project code or report will result in disciplinary action and automatic F grade for an entire group, or student(s), involved.

6) In case of illness, emergencies, etc., students are required to leave a message in advance in my e-mail. This must be done before the class takes place, not after-the-fact.

7) Attendance is required for all classes.

VI) Grades

1) The course grade will be distributed as follows:

  • Projects: 40% (Project 1: 10%, Project 2: 10%, Project 3: 20%)

  • Midterm exam: 30%

  • Final exam: 30%

2) The grading scale is the following:

  • A: [90, 100]

  • B: [80, 89]

  • C: [70, 79]

  • D: [60, 69]

  • F: [0, 59]

VII) Notes

1) Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the counselor working with disabilities at (678) 915-7226 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

2) If you are majoring in Computer Science and have questions about your schedule or you are having registration problems, please contact the CS Student Services office located at J393 or call (678) 915-3571 and ask for an appointment.