Data Analysis after Record Linkage

Regularization for Shuffled Data Problems

GitHub Repository

Attractive Gaussian Markov Random Fields

MATLAB code for log determinant divergence minimization subject to non-positivity constraints

Matrix Factorization with Binary Components

MATLAB code for our NIPS 2013 paper of the same title.                              

Structured elastic net

The 'structured elastic net' is a combination of a quadratic 'roughness penalty' and a sparsity-promoting lasso penalty.

R Code for structured elastic net-regularized least squares and logistic regression.

R Code for computing exact solution paths of the structured elastic net-regularized quantile regression and support vector machines.

Non-negative least squares: comparison of algorithms

Download nnlslab (includes a detailed .pdf documentation).

Many solvers are available for solving non-negative least squares problems. However, as shown in my paper, performance of these problems may differ drastically in  dependence of several problem-specific properties. We have developed a MATLAB package NNLSlab  containing implementations of the most popular and most recent solvers along with a framework to conduct runtime comparisons.

Bioconductor packages

I am author and/or maintainer of the following contributions to Bioconductor, a collection of R packages devoted to the analysis of high-throughput biological data.