Introduction to Physics Beyond the Standard Model at LHC - Spring 2010

[Lectures of the Ecole Doctorale de Physique de la Région Parisienne - ED 107]

In order to know the truth,

it is necessary to imagine a thousand falsehoods.

Sidney Coleman

These lectures (25 hours) are about what LHC may discover and why. We will build simple field theory models describing some generic expected signals (Z’, new heavy quarks, deviation in Higgs boson couplings, dark matter sector,...). We will discuss theory and phenomenology of motivated extensions of the Standard Model (supersymmetry, models of strong electroweak symmetry breaking, models of composite Higgs boson,...). Time permitting, we will discuss physics of more exotic models like Large Extra Dimensions and quantum gravity at the TeV scale.

Lectures are intended for Ph.D. students interested in high energy physics, experimentalists and theorists alike. Familiarity with basics of the Standard Model will be assumed.

First lecture: 26/02/2010, 14:00-17:00

Schedule: every subsequent Friday 14:00-17:00