Mobile Phone Application Development

SlapShotApps provides me a way to create my own mobile phone applications. I am doing this as a side endeavor in hopes to grow my skills and knowledge as a developer in general. Any feedback on my applications or suggestions for future applications is welcome and can be sent to the following email address:

About the developer

The reason I decided to get into android applications was to help further my professional career. My hope is to take the lessons that I learn from working with Android and apply them to my professional career. So far this is working out quite well for me, as it allows me to experiment with features and ideas I otherwise wouldn't get to work with as learning new concepts takes time and in the professional world "time is money".

When I am not spending time working on applications I am usually spending it with my awesome girlfriend, who has helped me out quite a bit with the application development as she is a game creating machine!!! I also enjoy watching and playing hockey. Otherwise I spend a lot of time with my family.

Upcoming Projects

Working on a way to track swimming workouts, more of a personal desire than anything requested, but it will give me a chance to start looking at new feature in android such as Navigation, Room and continue to gain knowledge in RxJava and Dagger.

My plan is to swing back to my hockey team app next to add in features for schedule reminders :)