Parent Open House Letter

Dear Superstar Parents,

Welcome to a new school year at Skinner West! We are looking forward to an exciting year of expanding students’ knowledge of scientific concepts, enhancing their inquiry skills, and sparking their interest in the natural phenomena that make our Universe such an amazing place.

This year we will again be implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS are performance expectations for students that include three different dimensions of science learning: 1) Science and Engineering Practices, 2) Disciplinary Core Ideas, and 3) Crosscutting Concepts.

There will be many laboratory investigations this year. In line with the NGSS, we will also be incorporating engineering activities into our instruction. In the spring, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade parents will receive information about Skinner West’s annual Science Fair and the CPS Invention Convention competition.

By now, all students should have a science binder that contains a notebook and a pencil case for their supplies. Students will be using their science notebooks in class every day to take notes, record experimental findings, and to reflect on their learning. Students may need to replenish some supplies periodically, especially glue sticks. Grades are assigned for the completeness and quality of science notebooks, assignments, projects, and tests.

The following optional extra credit and independent learning opportunities are available to students to complete either in-class or at home:

1. Choice Board Activity. Each Choice Board offers nine different learning activities. Students can earn 2% extra credit with the completion of three activities on a Choice Board, along with the Self-Evaluation on the back. Choice Boards will change throughout the year based on what we are studying in class.

2. Science Article. Read and annotate an article, and answer the questions on the back of the page. Science Articles will change throughout the year. Each completed article is worth a 1% grade boost.

3. At-Home Science Challenge. Each quarter, students may choose to do a Science Challenge project at home. Instructions for each project are available in the Science Lab, including a rubric that details how it will be scored. Completed projects will be count as extra credit toward students’ report card grades (maximum 5% per project). Project packets are due by the end of each marking period.

We are always looking for volunteers in the Science Lab, especially on dissection days and to help with the school garden. If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail us. We are also looking for parents with STEM careers who might be interested in coming in to talk to our students.

If you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at the addresses below.

Mrs. Milroy:

Mrs. Thorne:



Kori Milroy and Stacey Thorne

K-5 Science Teachers

Skinner West School