Pathways in higher ed

Research focus 2: Pathways in higher education

Creation of a sustainable pathway for AEWs to access Bachelor of Education degrees was the second focus area for the research. The contextualised skills required to: learn appropriate mobile technologies (such as iPads), plan for collection of material, input audio and visual images, edit material to create sharable stories—to name just a few such skills—comprise significant achievement parallel to completion of an educational technology unit in a first year initial teaching degree. Providing such a program and pathway guidelines (including for Advanced Standing) would assist interested AEWs transition into BEd degrees. A key benefit of this approach is that AEWs could create e-portfolios of the stories and products they create as they learn skills in educational technology and pedagogy. These e-portfolios can form the basis for a career portfolio that can be adapted to suit their future professional needs.

Entrance pathways to university

The project investigated higher education pathways for non-typical entry together with known pathways. Despite pathways being available unless you know what you are looking for, and are familiar with the terminology associated with a particular pathway these pathways are not readily or easily found. As part of the project, an ‘infographic’ was created to allow easy access to this information for AEWs. The entry pathways for AEWS or any Indigenous person aspiring to undertake higher education is featured in the infographic below.

Pathways to university infographic