Group members
Ph.D's Completed
1. Dr. U. Balakrishnan (Presently, Research Scientist, Kemin Pharmaceuticals)
2. Dr. N. Ananthi (Presently, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Chemistry, Karunya University)
3. Dr. V. Reena (Scientist, BIOCON)
4. Dr. S. Saravana Moorthy (Presently, DSK-PDF at BDU)
5. Dr. D. Udhayakumari
6. Dr. N.S.Sanjini
7. Dr. S. Suganya
8. Dr. G. Balamurugan (Presently PDF at PNU, Korea)
9. Dr. S. Vikneshvaran (Presently PDF at PNU, Korea)
10. Dr. Mrs. G. Punithakumari
11. Dr. Sanay Naha
Past Post Doctoral Fellows
1. Dr. T. Selvi-DST NPDF
2. Dr. S. Periyaraja -DST NPDF
Present Group Members
Ph.D Scholars
1. Ms. S. Arthi
2. Mr. S. Prabhakaran
3. Mr. N. Vijay
4. Ms. K. Anusuyadevi
5. Mr. V. Nagamanoharan
6. Ms. N.Nivetha
7. Mr. K. Magesh
8. Ms. Abhijna Krishna
9. Ms. R. Lalitha
M.Sc Project Students
Past M.Sc Project Students
Mr. A. R. Sunil (2006)
Mr. G. Sakthivel (2008)
Ms. T. Kavitha (2008)
Mr. Nasani Narendar (2009)
Ms. Sharada. K (2009)
Ms. S.Suganya (2010)
Mr. CH.Amarendar (2010)
Ms. K. Dhanalakshmi (2011)
Mr. S. Prabhu (2011)
Ms. D. Udhayakumari (2011)
Ms. D. Renuga (2012)
Mr. Pushparaju Kaile (2012)
Mr. Lanka Suneel (2012)
Ms. Sarah Mathews (2013)
Ms. Vinithra (2013)
Ms. Prasannambigai (2014)
Ms. Arthi (2014)
Mr. Lingamurthy (2014)
Mr. Marutharaj (2014)
Ms. Kalpana (2015)
Mr. Vinay Bharathwaj (2015)
Mr. Ebaston (2015)
Ms. Minmini (2016)
Mr.Akash (2016)
Mr. Vijay (2016)
Ms.Reshma Rajan (2016)
Ms. A. Varalakshmi (2017)
Ms. Anjali Krishna (2017)
Ms. R. Lalitha (2017)
Ms. T. Stella Mary (2017)
Mr. Shravan Koushik (2018)
Mr. Arshad (2018)
Ms. Ankita (2018)
Ms. Yohalakshmi (2018)
Ms.K. Jijina (2019)
Mr.T. Arun (2019)
Ms. Pali Mehta (2020)
Ms. Nitu kumari (2020)
Mr. Renny (2021)
Mr. Sumit Gupta (2021)
Visiting Students - summer Internships and projects
Mr. P. Chandrasekhar (National College, Trichy, 2007)
Ms. R. Ananthi (National College, Trichy, 2007)
Mr. R. Boobalan (Hans Roever College, Perambalur, 2008)
Mr. M. Babu (Hans Roever College, Perambalur, 2008)
Ms. Tamilarasi (Bishop Heber College, Trichy, 2010)
Ms. K. Nagenthi (2012)
Ms. Veena (CUTN, 2013)
Ms. Karthika (CUTN, 2013)
Ms. Apoorva (Christ University, 2015)
Ms. Nikitha (Christ University, 2016)
Ms. Soujanya (GITAM University, 2016)
Ms. Nandhini (PSG Krishnammal College, 2016)
Ms. Fathima (University of Calicut, 2017)
Ms. Ayana (University of Calicut, 2017)
Mr. Abhijeet (IISER Tirupati, 2018)
Ms.K. Anagha (IISER Tirupati, 2019)
Ms. P. Aneena Rinu (IISER Tirupati, 2019)
Awards and achievements by Research Scholars
Mr. Sanay Naha received Elsevier- Best poster award for the paper “presented in the 3rd Asian Conference on Chemo sensors and Imaging process held on Nov 06-09, 2019 organised by Department of Chemistry, GNDU, Amritsar
Mr. N. Vijay received SERB-OVDF from DST-SERB, GOI, to work in National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan for 6 months (August 2019-Jan 2020)
Ms. Arthi and Ms. Anusuya Devi received TEEP Scholarship from Kaoshiung Medical University, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan respectively, to work for 6 months (August 2019-Jan 2020)
Mr. Sanay Naha received Best poster award for the paper “Novel phenazine based Fluorescent Turn off Biomarker for fluoride ion in semi aqueous medium” by Sanay Naha and Sivan Velmathi* presented in the 23rd CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry on July 13-15, 2018 organised by Department of Chemistry, IISER Bhopal
· Mr. Sanay Naha and Mr. N. Vijay received internship from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (TEEP Scholarship), to work for 4 months (Dec 2017-April 2018)
Dr. S. Periyaraja, won 1st place in the Oral presentation presented in the Symposium on Contemporary facets in Organic Synthesis (CFOS, 2017) Organised by Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee on 22-24, December 2017
Ms. G. Punithakumari received Best paper award for the paper The Selective Detection of Cr3+ Ion in aqueous medium by chemodosimetric approach by G.Punithakumari and Sivan Velmathi* presented in the International Conference on advances in biological, chemical and physical sciences (ABCPS) March 13-15, 2017 organised by Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and physics, Anna University, Trichy.
Mr. Sanay Naha received Best oral presentation award for the paper Selective Detection of Biologically Toxic Cyanide (CN-) Ion by Chromone and o-Substituted Aniline Schiff bases. by Sanay Naha and Sivan Velmathi* presented in the National Conference on RECENT TRENDS IN CHEMISTRY (RTC-2017) Feb 17-18, 2017 organised by Department of Chemistry, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology.
Mr. G. Balamurugan received Best Poster presentation award for the Poster presented in the RSC-NITT symposium on Heterogeneous catalysis and sustainable Chemistry held on Nov. 05, 2016 organised by Royal Society of Chemistry in association with NITT
Ms. D. Udhayakumari received International Travel grant from DST, to visit Singapore for presenting a paper in the 15th Tetrahedron symposium held at Singapore, Oct 28-31, 2014
Ms. S. Suganya received internship from Korea to work in Dong A university, Pusan for 3 months (Jan-March 2014)
Ms. D. Udhayakumari received Best Poster presentation award for the Poster presented in the National Conference on Luminescence and its applications held on Jan 8-10, 2013 organised by PES institute of Technology, Bangalore
Ms. S. Suganya received Best Oral presentation award for the Paper presented in the National Conference on Luminescence and its applications held on Jan 8-10, 2013 organised by PES institute of Technology, Bangalore
Ms. S. Suganya, received the 1st prize for best oral presentation in Recent Applications of nanomaterials in chemistry and environmental research” (RANCER 2012) on July 20 -21, 2012 at Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,
Mr. U. Balakrishnan received internship from Japan to work in National Institute for Material Science(NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan for 3 months (May-July 2008)
Mr. U. Balakrishnan Won 1st price in oral presentation in NCCR, IIT Madras in the Orientation programme on catalysis in Dec 2007