
Today more than ever it is important for students to learn Economics. As a class we examine many of the world's economic happenings and dissect the root cause using the science of Economics. Economics is the study of people's behavior in the economy and as a class we learn what forces determine one's behaviors when interacting within the economy.

Students will learn about basic economic theories. Students will also be exposed to many opposing theories and will be taught to be critical thinkers.

Assignments include but are not limited too: Projects, films, lectures, homework, essays, worksheets, group work, readings, tests and research. The class is taught using the computer lab and here students practice using technology to strengthen their learning and knowledge.

AP Economics Midterm

A short presentation exploring money and labor power. Presentation is given during class and slides are discussed as a class. Here is an example of students being asked to question the conventional wisdom pertaining to money.

Economics Class Expectations
Shark Tank Economics

Class Notes 1

Economics Class Notes 1
Dragon's Den: Economics
Employment Introduction
Shark Tank Grading Sheet
Labour 2014 Economics
JObs Economics
End of Work Presentation
economic curves
Economics Movie Analogy Rubric
Economics News
Looking at Data
Economics Movie Outine
Walmart Disscusion Question
Economics Graph Story
The Economics of Healthcare
JObs Economics
Movie Maker Instructions 1
Investment StrategyEconomics
Investment Stratigy Example
End of Work Check in 1
Econo-Pop Unit