
This website uses third-party technical cookies for its correct functioning, and standard Google Analytics to generate general statistics of the visitors of this website.


This website uses technical cookies from and Google analytics. 

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Google Analytics

Data collected

Analytics collects the following information: Browser Information, Operating system, Cookie Data, Date/Time, Hardware/Software Type, Interaction Data, Page Views, Service provider, Language, Country, City, Mobile device information, Serving domains. These are statistical data about the user browsing actions and patterns, and do not identify any individual. Please see the Google Analytics terms and conditions for more information.

Data usage

These data are used privately to evaluate the amount of visitors of this website. The data are not published or shared with anyone else by the owner of the website.

Opting out

You can use a browser extension such as Ghostery to disable Google Analytics.


Alina Sirbu

Department of Computer Science University of Pisa,