Works in Progress

Papers under review:

  1. Tien Foo Sing and Yiheng Zou, “Improving Information Efficiency in Housing Markets Using Online Listings

  2. Mi Diao, Xiaoyu Zhang, and Tien Foo Sing, “Housing externalities and expectation channel: A quasi-experiment using the public housing upgrading programs

  3. Sumit Agarwal, Yi Fan, Wenlan Qian and Tien Foo Sing, “Like Father Like Son? Social Engineering and Intergenerational Housing Wealth Mobility

  4. Agarwal Sumit, Chia Liu Ee, Sing Tien Foo “Straw Purchase or Safe Haven? The Hidden Perils of Illicit Wealth in Property Markets,”

  5. Chang, Yuan-Chen, Hsieh, Yi-Ting, Seah, Kiat Ying, and Sing, Tien Foo, “Banking Relationships and Lending Decisions of REITs

  6. Agarwal, Sumit, Diao, Mi, Pan, Jessica and Sing, Tien Foo, “Are Singaporean Cabdrivers Target Earners?

  7. Chia, Liu Ee and Sing, Tien Foo, “Redevelopment Values in Multi-Family Properties: Evidence from En bloc Sales in Singapore,

  8. Zhao Daxuan and Sing Tien Foo “Housing, Wealth Composition and Expected Stock Returns

  9. Kiat Ying Seah, James D. Shilling, Tien Foo Sing and Long Wang, “REITs and Liquidity in Real Estate Markets,”

  10. Sumit Agarwal, Tien Foo Sing, Changcheng Song, and Jian Zhang, “Liberalizing Home-Based Business

Working Papers:

  1. Sumit Agarwal, Ximeng, Fang, Lorenz Goette, Schmitt, Kathrin, Tien Foo Sing, Thorsten Staake, Verena Tiefenbeck, Davin Wang, “Pro-environmental spillover effects in the resource conservation domain: Evidence from randomized controlled field trial in Singapore

  2. Sumit Agarwal, Tien Foo Sing, Long Wang, “Information Immobility and Learning in Commercial Real Estate Markets,”

  3. Shilling, J.D. and Sing, T.F. (2014) “How Real Estate Investors Form Expectations Revisited

  4. Sumit Agarwal, Lorenz Goette, Tien Foo Sing, Thorsten Staake, Verena Tiefenbeck, Davin Wang, “Reducing Shower water Consumption with real Time Feedback

  5. Sumit Agarwal, Hyun Soo Choi, Jia He, and Tien Foo Sing, “Loss Aversion of Developers? Evidence from Housing Transactions during Hungry Ghost Months in Singapore

  6. Sumit Agarwal, Ying Fan and Tien Foo Sing, “Overconfidence and bankruptcy risks: Evidence from mispricing in housing transaction

  7. Lim, Kian Guan and Sing, Tien Foo, “Leverage Strategies of REITs and Real Estate Operating Companies

  8. Leow Yee Hau and Tien Foo Sing, “Green REIT Premiums

  9. Tien Foo Sing and Long Wang, “Corruption and Home Bias in Global Real Estate Investments,”