Research - Simeon Nichter


Votes for Survival: Relational Clientelism in Latin AmericaCambridge University Press, Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics, 2018.
– Giovanni Sartori Award, American Political Science Association, 2019

Peer-Reviewed Journals

“Selective Bribery: When Do Citizens Engage in Corruption?” (with Aaron Erlich and Jordan Gans-Morse).  Comparative Political Studies (Forthcoming). 

Vulnerability and Clientelism” (with Gustavo Bobonis, Paul Gertler, and Marco Gonzalez-Navarro).  American Economic Review 112 (November 2022).

Declared Support and Clientelism” (with Salvatore Nunnari). Comparative Political Studies 55 (November 2022).

Local Compliance with National Transparency Legislation” (with Robert Gregory Michener). Government Information Quarterly 39 (January 2022).

“Would You Sell Your Vote?” (with Jordan Gans-Morse). American Politics Research (May 2021).

Vote Buying in Brazil: From Impunity to Prosecution.” Latin American Research Review, 56 (March 2021): 3–19.    

“Request Fulfilling:  When Citizens Demand Clientelist Benefits” (with Michael Peress). Comparative Political Studies 50 (July 2017): 1086–1117.

Voter Buying: Shaping the Electorate with Clientelism” (with F. Daniel Hidalgo). American Journal of Political Science 60 (March 2016): 436–455.
– Kellogg / Notre Dame Award for Best Paper in Comparative Politics (Co-Winner), MPSA, 2014

"Conceptualizing Vote Buying.”  Electoral Studies 35 (September 2014): 315–327.

Varieties of Clientelism: Machine Politics During Elections” (with Jordan Gans-Morse and Sebastian Mazzuca). American Journal of Political Science 58 (April 2014): 415–432.
– Best Article Award, Comparative Democratization Section, APSA, 2015  

Economic Determinants of Land Invasions”  (with F. Daniel Hidalgo, Suresh Naidu and Neal Richardson). Review of Economics and Statistics 92 (August 2010): 505–523.

Small Firm Growth in Developing Countries” (with Lara Goldmark). World Development 37 (September 2009): 1453–1464.

Economic Reforms and Democracy: Evidence of a J-Curve in Latin America" (with Jordan Gans-Morse). Comparative Political Studies 41 (October 2008): 1398–1426.

Vote Buying or Turnout Buying? Machine Politics and the Secret Ballot.” American Political Science Review 102 (February 2008): 19–31.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

“Typologies and Concept Formation: Untangling Clientelism.”  Forthcoming.  In Working with Concepts: Fundamentals of the Craft, with Commentaries on Innovation in the Field (Edited by David Collier and Zachary Elkins), Cambridge University Press.

“Clientelism, Declared Support and Mexico’s 2012 Campaign” (with Brian Palmer-Rubin). 2015.  In Mexico’s Evolving Democracy:  A Comparative Study of the 2012 Elections (Edited by Jorge I. Domínguez, Kenneth G. Greene, Chappell Lawson, and Alejandro Moreno), Johns Hopkins University Press.

“Political Clientelism and Social Policy: The Case of Brazil.”  2014.  In Political Clientelism, Social Policy, and the Quality of Democracy: Evidence from Latin America, Lessons from Other Regions (Edited by Diego Abente and Larry Diamond), Johns Hopkins University Press.

Work In Progress

“Effects of Randomized Corruption Audits on Early-Life Mortality in Brazil” (with Antonio Pedro Ramos and Gustavo Bobonis).  Revise & Resubmit, Nature Human Behaviour.

Does Combatting Corruption Reduce Clientelism?” (with Gustavo Bobonis, Paul Gertler, and Marco Gonzalez-Navarro).  NBER Working Paper #31266.  Under Review.

“Mitigating Climate Risk: Cisterns RCT in Northeast Brazil” (with Gustavo Bobonis, Paul Gertler, and Marco Gonzalez-Navarro).

Corruption Exposed: Brazil in Comparative Context (Book Project).

“Corruption and Informality in Brazil.”

“Corruption and Firm Strategies in Brazil” (with Aaron Erlich, Jordan Gans-Morse and Stanislav Markus).  

“Public Procurement and Corruption in Brazil” (with Robert Gregory Michener and Rafael Velasco). 

“Debating Corruption in Brazil’s Congress” (with Davi Moreira).

“Vote Buying, Healthcare and Sterilization in Brazil.”  

Other Professional Papers

Variáveis Determinantes para Cumprimento à Lei de Acesso à Informação nos Municípios Brasileiros” (with Robert Gregory Michener). Paper presented to Brazil’s Controladoria Geral da União, 2020.

“Government Transparency and Political Clientelism: Evidence from Randomized Anti-Corruption Audits in Brazil” (with Gustavo Bobonis, Paul Gertler, and Marco Gonzalez-Navarro). Paper presented to Corporación Andina de Fomento - Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, 2019.

“Understanding Micro and Small Enterprise Growth” (with Lara Goldmark).  U.S. Agency for International  Development (USAID), November 2005.

Enhancing Productive Opportunities in Rural Pernambuco: Community-Driven Development in Brazil.”  Thesis  for M.P.A. in International Development, Harvard Kennedy School, February 2004.
Awarded Carballo Prize for best paper on poverty at Harvard Kennedy School.

Entendendo as Microfinanças no Contexto Brasileiro” (with Lara Goldmark and Anita Fiori).  National Economic  and Social Development Bank of Brazil (BNDES) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), July 2002. 

Understanding Microfinance in the Brazilian Context” (with Lara Goldmark and Anita Fiori).  National Economic and Social Development Bank of Brazil (BNDES) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), July 2002.