
I believe in teaching the whole child (socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically) in a stimulating, creative, warm and safe atmosphere. I am dedicated to provide a learning environment for each child so they may develop to their fullest potential. I value each child as a person, respect each child as a learner, and appreciate each child as a rich resource for other learners. I believe that children need an opportunity to explore and experience the world around them through a variety of activities; to discover the joy of "I am"; "I can". I encourage the building of a collaborative community of learners in the classroom, between family and school, and between school and community.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

~Alvin Toffler

I believe technology is a highly motivating tool that can be used to personalize students' instruction according to their learning styles, interests, and readiness. Web resources and digital media help shape and deliver instruction to meet the needs of all students, and assist in the improvement of student thinking and understanding, provide for research and presentation products, and improve communication and collaboration.

Presented at the Tech and Learning Live 2015 Conference

See my "Young Learners & Technology" Presentation here