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These are various artiles and documents we have found useful on the inpatient service.  They are linked to other places on the internet to conserve space on this website.  I love feedback and comments.  For you to leave comments, I need to add you as a collaborator to this website.  If you would like to comment send me the e-mail address you would like me to add and include your name to:

AODM2 Management - AAFP CME Bulletin 2010

diaphragm movement - MALS  diaphragm movement

Flower Hospital Lab Update - Newer Concepts on Blood Utilization March 2010

Hyponatremia - Hyponatremia differential Dx

SlideShare - To help you with powerpoint presentations!

Supervising Medical students in the office - Intro for new second year residents

UC Medicine Chiefs' Coversheet - Dave Law found this: basic topics from A to Z