
    • Real time virtual try on from a single example image through deep inverse graphics and learned differentiable renderers, Eurographics 2022, 26/04/2022

    • Machine learning research for cosmetic and skin care at L'Oreal, Indaba X Senegal 2021, 28-29/08/2021

    • Probabilistic Models for Visual Feature Based Mutlti Person Tracking For Robotics, Indaba X Senegal 2019, 20/04/2019

    • Dynamic Probabilistic Models for Person Tracking and Activity Recognition (video) seminary at the Computer Vision Center (CVC), Barcelona, 19/02/2016

    • Tracking the Active Speaker Based on a Joint Audio-Visual Observation Model, ICCV Workshop on 3D Reconstruction andUnderstanding with Video and Sound, Santiago de Chile, 17/12/2015

    • A tutorial on variational Bayesian estimation (Sileye Ba) with applications to multi-person tracking (Sileye Ba), and sound source separation (Laurent Girin), EARS Project Meeting, at Aldebaran, Paris, 26/11/2016

    • An On-line Variational Bayesian Model for Multi-Person Tracking from Cluttered Scenes, GDR ISIS Meeting: Suivi multi-objets dans les séquences vidéo complexes, Telecom Paris Tech, Paris, 16/10/2015

    • From IM2 to RN3D Innovation Lab (slides), Invited alumni talk at the NCCR IM2 Final Event, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, 17/10/2013