
Working Papers:

How Urbanization Affects Regional Wealth Inequality: the Housing Channel (with Jiaofen Hu)

China went through rapid urbanization in the past decade. We document that cheap apartments appreciate much faster than expensive apartments in this period. We identify two channels for the pattern: (1) Demand for cheap apartments increases more relative to expensive apartments. (2) The location values in poor neighborhoods increase more due to city construction. Combined with the evidence that cheap apartments are mostly owned by poor people, we find that the housing market causes regional wealth inequality to decrease among homeowners. Our findings suggest new win-win scenarios where economic growth and inequality reduction can be achieved simultaneously.

How do ETFs Affect the Liquidity of the Underlying Corporate Bonds?

There is considerable concern over the impact of ETFs on illiquid markets. This paper shows that corporate bond ETFs improve the liquidity of the underlying bonds. ETF ownership increases turnover and reduces transaction costs. I identify an important channel for this positive impact: ETF arbitrage. The profits that dealers can earn from ETF arbitrage are considerable. Consequently, when ETF arbitrage opportunities arise, dealers are incentivized to both compete and to give price concessions. In the cross-section, the impact of ETFs is stronger on the less liquid bonds because these bonds are rarely traded by other types of investors.

Self-Feeding Housing Price Boom: Evidence from Cross-Generation Transfer (with Tao Shu and Sheridan Titman)

There is considerable concern over the impact of ETFs on illiquid markets. This paper shows that corporate bond ETFs improve the liquidity of the underlying bonds. ETF ownership increases turnover and reduces transaction costs. I identify an important channel for this positive impact: ETF arbitrage. The profits that dealers can earn from ETF arbitrage are considerable. Consequently, when ETF arbitrage opportunities arise, dealers are incentivized to both compete and to give price concessions. In the cross-section, the impact of ETFs is stronger on the less liquid bonds because these bonds are rarely traded by other types of investors.

Creating More Reliable Measures in the Bond Market with Matrix Pricing (with Jinfan Zhang and Delong Li)

The major difficulty in corporate bond research is dealing with missing data. This paper proposes a method to fill in the missing data using matrix price techniques. I then document several important findings. First, the monthly return data on WRDS Bond database which uses the last trade in TRACE could be unreliable. The correlation between returns reported on WRDS and the returns I calculate using adjusted month-end prices is only 70%. Second, many commonly used liquidity measures are unreliable. This is in stark contrast with Schestag et al. (2016) who claim that most measures can capture the cross-sectional variations of trading costs. I show that regression-based methods systematically underestimate the magnitude of trading costs, and they do not highly correlate with the effective spreads. Of all the liquidity measures that use only TRACE data, Roll's measure is the best at both estimating the magnitude of trading costs and identifying the cross-sectional variation in bond liquidity.

中国新基金发行之谜和投资者保护 (with Jinfan Zhang and Kaixuan Zheng)

“北上广深杭”顶级学区溢价是如何分布的? (with Jiaofen Hu)


Why do Retail Investors Underperform? (with Xiaomeng Lu)

According to the retail trading data from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the average alpha of small retail investors can be as low as -10%. We decompose this negative alpha into different components caused by various behavioral biases. The research aims to find the most important behavioral bias that contributes to investors' loss, and it has a strong implication on investor education.