Procedure To Perform

SRFA (The Sabha) is happy to provide a platform to encourage and promote youngsters as well as emerging artists in their musical journey. To cater to the various ages and levels of these artists SRFA provides different duration for the concerts. The minimum requirements to perform under these different durations are given below:  SRFA strongly encourage the youngsters to focus on the sruti and the talam in their initial concert(s) and get a full understanding of various rAgams and tALams before going for complex musical compositions like RTP. This would make the journey a sweet memorable one for each and everyone.

Please write to Shobana Sujitkumar -,with your full bio date indicating the time slot you are requesting.If you have already performed in SR FINE ARTS,please  indicate the month & year of your performance.

The Introductory Artist Slot : One Hour Duration


This slot encourages youngsters and first timers to climb the stage and conquer stage fear while showcasing their knowledge of music. Their main aim should be to focus on singing the kritis on sruti, tAlam and kAla pramAnam. 


The Beginner Artist Slot : One and Half Hour Duration 

This slot looks a little further and wants the performers to have a little more fun in their learning by inculcating the aspect of Manodharmam with alapana and swara kalpana with a main song. In addition to this the performer is expected to include a varnam and a thillana.


The Emerging Artist Slot : Two Hour Duration 

This slot aims at the performers strong ability to keep the audience enthralled with their music. In addition to the requirements of a Beginner Artist, the performer is expected to include a sub main song and a neraval for the main song. 


The Performing Artist Slot : Two and Half Hour Duration 

This is a full length performance concert slot. In addition to the requirements of an Emerging Artist, the performer is expected to perform a Ragam Thanam Pallavi (RTP). Applicants for the performing artists slot should provide their past performance history and also links/sample recordings of their past concerts .

Accompanists are the performers' responsibility.

Once the application is initiated the Sabha will work with the applicant and it will take 6 months to a year for getting a slot that is suitable and convenient to both parties.

SRFA will consider each and every application case by case basis as per the Board of Director's approval,Once the application is approved the director will get in touch with the rules & regulations of the sabha & the performance details. Once all's  done the date will be finalized .

 Please email your full bio data (Include your whatsapp number too) and concert links included.

Shobana Sujitkumar -

SRFA will consider each and every application case by case basis as per the Board of Directors'  approval, Once the application is approved the director will get in touch with the rules & regulations of the sabha & the performance details and guidelines  Once  done the date will be finalized .