Research : Network Cosmology (Network Astronomy)

Visualized Facebook Friendships

Network Representations of Illustris Galaxies

Interactive Visualizations : ; for more information, (Coutinho et al. 2016, arXiv:1604.03236)

This video is nominated on the top 6 visualizations for the Science People's Choice Competition :

The Illustris Project : (Vogelsberger, M. et al. 2014, Nature, 509, 177)

Recommended references for network science :

Albert, R. & Barabasi, A. -L. 2002, Reviews of Modern Physics 74, 47

Newman, M.E.J. 2003, SIAM Review 45, 167-256

Barthelemy, M., 2011, Physics Reports, 499, 1

Network Tools :

igraph ( is available in C/C++, R, and Python. I have been using the C/C++ release of this `igraph'. Now I am using python/igraph with the PySpark's parallel capability.

Networkx ( is also available in python. Though it is not for handling millions galaxies, it is easy to use and has some quick visualization capability utilizing matplotlib with pygraphviz layouts. I have been using this to make illustrative graph schema in papers. This is already installed if you use `anaconda'.

Large-scale graph calculation :

pyspark + dataframes + graphframes

Abstract :

We have attempted to utilize network science tools for investigating topological structures of the universe.

On this webpage, we provide an overview of network science

and present the results of our two pilot studies, Hong et al. 2016, MNRAS, 459, 2690 (H16) and Hong & Dey 2015, MNRAS, 450, 1999 (HD15).