Volunteer Interpreting Partners of Sakata

Volunteer Interpreting Partners of Sakata (VIPS)

  The Shonai area we live in is enveloped in an abundance of nature, including Mt. Chokai, which we call Dewa Fuji, Mt. Gassan, the Shonai Plain that has golden fields that gently sway in the autumn winds, and the Mogami River, which feeds the crops in Shonai and flows into the Sea of Japan.

  Sakata still has many historic buildings that retain traces of the Edo and Meiji periods when the city prospered as one of the leading trading ports in Japan, while Tsuruoka communicates its history as a castle town of the Shonai Domain through historic sites such as Tsuruoka Park and the Chido Museum. Recently, many visitors have come to the area since it was used as a filming location for the first Japanese movie to win an Oscar for the Best Foreign Language film, “Okuribito” (titled “Departures” in English).

  We are proud of this area in which we were born and raised, and out of the desire for visitors from abroad to know about the wonderful nature and culture that was cultivated here, we have created a volunteer tour guide group for visitors from English-speaking overseas. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 10:30–12:00 noon to learn about sightseeing spots in Sakata in English. We helped guide 124 Americans visiting from the United States in the summer of 2010.

  If you are interested in joining us, please contact Judy’s English School.


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