Support (Play in app)

How to use the app?

Follow the instructions below to experience most of the app -

1. Open the Play in app and right-click/ swipe-up from bottom. Click/Tap on 'Start Play in' and tap/click on 'Start' for confirmation.

2. The Player will display on the screen. Now, you can push your stuffs to the Play in app.

3. Here we're using Windows Phone 8.1 (Lumia Play to) as a controller; but you can use any of the controllers, instruction will be nearly same.

4. Now, tap on Ellipse on bottom and tap connect. Choose your Home Wi-Fi Network and streaming device as 'Play in - ShivinShubham'.

5. Finally, get ready to play the stuffs (photos/videos/music). Voila, it's done.

6. Remember to 'Stop Play in' after the use of the app to prevent unauthorized access of the app.

Remember: Both PC and controller should be on the same home network.

How to put PC and controllers on the same home network?

Download the file and run it on the PC to make the PC and controllers on the same network-

Trusted download

 (Run as administrator only)

Third-party links-

- Connectify

- Open Garden

- MyRouter

- mHotspot

- WiFi Hotspot