Journal articles
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Guillemot. "Cue-specificity of contrastive hyperarticulation: Evidence from the voicing contrast in Japanese." to appear in Phonology 40.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Guillemot. (2025) "Contrast enhancement and the distribution of vowel duration in Japanese." Journal of Phonetics 108, 1-16.
Nambu, Satoshi, David Y. Oshima, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2022) "The nominative-to-accusative shift in Japanese: Diachronic and synchronic considerations." Journal of Japanese Linguistics 38(2): 161–191.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2019) “Patterns of variable ranuki in Japanese: Identity avoidance and register. Phonological Studies 22, 75-82.
Oshima, David Y., Kimi Akita, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2019) "Gradability, scale structure, and the division of labor between nouns and adjectives: The case of Japanese." Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1): 41. 1–36, DOI:
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2018) “Durational contrast in gemination and informativity.” Linguistics Vanguard 4(s2). DOI:
Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2017) /p/-driven geminate devoicing in Japanese: Corpus and experimental evidence. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 32, pp.57-78.
Shin-ichiro, Sano. (2016) [Review] Patterns and categories in English suffixation and stress placement: A theoretical and quantitative study. English Linguistics 33-1, pp.157-167.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2015) Optimization of the Verbal Inflectional Paradigm by the Cyclic Application of Morphophonological Processes: Evidence from Potential Forms in Japanese. Open Linguistics 1-1, pp.580-595.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2015) The role of exemplars and lexical frequencies in rendaku. Open Linguistics 1-1, pp.329-344.
Fukazawa, Haruka, Mafuyu Kitakara, Shigeto Kawahara, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2015) “Two is too much: [p]-driven geminate devoicing in Japanese.” Phonological Studies 18, pp.3-10.
Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2014) “Identity Avoidance and Lyman’s Law.” Lingua 150, pp.71-77.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2014) The Roles of Internal and External Factors and the Mechanism of Analogical Leveling: Variationist- and Probabilistic OT Approach to Ongoing Langauge Change in Japanese Voice System. Phonological Studies 17, 101-110.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Shigeto Kawahara. (2013) "A corpus-based study of geminate devoicing in Japanese: The role of the OCP and external factors." Gengo Kenkyuu 144, pp.103-118.
Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2013) "A corpus-based study of geminate devoicing in Japanese: Internal factors." Language Sciences 40, 300-307.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2011) “Cumulative Strengthening and Distribution of Velar Allophones in Japanese.” Phonological Studies 14, 43-50.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2011) “Real-Time Demonstration of the Interaction among Internal- and External Factors in Language Change: A Corpus Study.” Gengo Kenkyuu 139, pp.1-27.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2008) “Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-ni arawareru sairekotoba-ni kansuru suuryooteki bunseki.” [A quantitative analysis of sa-insertion in Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese] Gengo Kenkyuu 133, pp.77-106.
Book (single-authored)
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2010) The Roles of Internal and External Factors in Language Change. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.
Edited volume
Guillemot, Céleste, Shin-ichiro Sano, and Seunghun Lee (eds.). (2020) ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 10: A Festschrift for Prof. Junko Hibiya in the occasion of her retirement from ICU.
Book chapters
Sano, Shin-ichiro, Satoshi Nambu, and Kevin Heffernan. "Corpus linguistic approaches to contemporary Japanese data." To appear in Kazuko Matsumoto, Heiko Narrog, John Maher, and Mie Hiramoto (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Japanese Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2025) “Ranuki kotoba [Ra-deletion].” Koopasu-de manabu nihongogaku: Nihongo-no bumpoo onsee [Learning Japanese Linguistics Using Corpora: Grammar and Sounds of Japanese], 25-45. Tokyo: Asakura Shoten.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2024) ""Kekka-ga daseru"/"Kekka-o daseru"-no dotira-ga sizendesuka [Which one is more natural, "can achieve results(nominative or accusative)"?].” Nihongo-no daigimon [Big Mysteries of the Japanese Language] 2, 157-162. Tokyo: Gentoosya.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2023) “Mireru/mirareru," "koreru/korareru"noyooni fukusuu-no iikata-ga aruno-wa nazedesuka [Why are there multiple ways to say things like "mireru/mirareru" and "koreru/korareru"?.” in Yokuaru kotoba-no situmon [FAQ about language]. <>
Sano, Shin-ichiro " (2022) Onhenka-niokeru tsuuji-to kyooji-no setten, oyobi gendainihongo-no inritsutokutyoo-no henka-nikansuru jissyooteki kentoo" [Empirical examination of the link between synchrony and diachrony in sound change and the shift of prosodic properties in modern Japanese], in Yoshiki Ogawa (ed.), Koopasu-kara wakaru gengohenka, heni-to riron 3 [Language change and variation observed in corpora and linguistic theory 3], 360-372. Tokyo: Kaitakusya.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Guillemot. (2022) Nihongo pittchirenji-no syakaionseegaku-teki bunseki [Sociophonetic analysis of pitch range in Japanese]. Haruo Kubozono (ed.), Purosodhi kenkyuu-no shintenkai [New advances in research on prosody], 45-66. Tokyo: Kaitakusya.
Guillemot, Céleste and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2020) "What does pitch range tell us about speech and speakers? – A sociophonetic study of pitch range variation in spoken Japanese –." Japanese/Korean Linguistics 27, 311-326. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Nambu, Satoshi, Shin-ichiro Sano and David Y., Oshima. (2020) "The nominative-to-accusative shift in modern Japanese: A diachronic observation." Japanese/Korean Linguistics 26, Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Nambu, Satoshi, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2019) "Ga/wo kootai-no teiryooteki bunseki [Quantitative analysis of ga/wo conversion]." in Yoshiki Ogawa (ed.), Koopasu-kara wakaru gengohenka, heni-to riron 2 [Language change and variation observed in corpora and linguistic theory 2], 289-304. Tokyo: Kaitakusya.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2019) “Koopasu-to tookee [Corpus and statistics]." in Tomohide Kinuhata (ed.), Kiso Nihongogaku [Basics of Japanese Linguistics], 234-258. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2018) “Productive use of indexicalized variable in social interaction: The case of ranuki in Japanese.” Japanese/Korean Linguistics 25, S. Fukuda, M.Shin Kim, M-J. Park, & H. Minegishi Cook (eds.), 369-382. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2018) “Kekka-ga/o daseru-no dotira-ga sizendesuka [Which one is more natural, "can achieve results(nominative or accusative)"?].” in Yokuaru kotoba-no situmon [FAQ about language]. <>
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2018) “A corpus-based study of singletons and geminates in Japanese: Segmental properties and contextual factors.” In Japanese/Korean Linguistics 24, K. Funakoshi, S. Kawahara, & C. D. Tancredi (eds.), 285-298. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2017) Only one [+voice] is enough: The role of the OCP in phonological variation. in Proceedings of Sophia University Linguistic Society 31, 18-38.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2016) “Koopasu-o motiita onin-kenkyuu” [Corpus-based phonological studies]. in Phonological Society of Japan (ed.), Gendai-oninron-no dookoo [Trends in contemporary phonology], 180-183. Tokyo: Kaitakusya.
Kawahara, Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2016) “Rendaku and identity avoidance.” In Timothy Vance, and Mark Irwin (eds.), Sequential Voicing in Japanese Compounds pp.47-55. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Oshima, David Y. and Shin-ichiro Sano (2012) “On the Characteristics of Japanese reported discourse: A Study with Special Reference to Elliptic Quotation.” In Ingrid van Alphen & Isabelle Buchstaller (eds.), Quotatives: Cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp.145-171.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Nihongo-doosi-kanookei-no hensen-o tadoru” [Tracing the Change of Potential forms in Japanese], In Junko Hibiya (ed.), Hajimete manabu syakaigengogaku [Introduction to sociolinguistics], pp.190-208. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Yabai-no henka-o bunseki-suru” [Analyzing the Change of yabai], In Junko Hibiya (ed.), Hajimete manabu syakaigengogaku [Introduction to sociolinguistics], pp.209-226. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Zenzen-no henka-o bunseki-suru” [Analyzing the Change of zenzen], In Junko Hibiya (ed.), Hajimetemanabu syakaigengogaku [Introduction to sociolinguistics], pp.227-247. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo.
Shin-ichiro Sano and Junko Hibiya. (2012) “Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-o tukau” [Usage of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese], In Junko Hibiya (ed.), Hajimete manabu syakaigengogaku [Introduction to sociolinguistics], pp.80-99. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Japanese Velar Allophones Revisited: A Quantitative Analysis Based on the Speech Production Experiments.”Japanese/Korean Linguistics 19. Stanford: CSLI Publications., pp.43-60.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2010) “Gendainihongo-no voisu-niokeru shinkootyuu-no gengohenka-nikansuru suuryooteki kenkyuu: “ranukikotoba,” “sairekotoba,” “retasukotoba”-o reitoshite.” [Quantitative analysis of ongoing changes in verbal inflections in modern Japanese: Cases of ra-Deletion, sa-Insertion, and re-Insertion] Sophia Linguistica 57, pp. 341-356.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2009) “Statistical Analysis of Sa-Insertion: Via Diet Database.” Japanese/Korean Linguistics 17, pp. 471-485 Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Takahashi, Yumiko, Shin-ichiro Sano, Megumi Ubara, and Akira Hara. (2009) Gärten bei Hofmannsthal: Eine textkommunikative Studie. Sophia Linguistica 56, pp.77-90.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2008) “Kokkaikaigiroku-niyoru sairekotoba no bunseki.” In Kenjiro Matsuda (ed.) Kokkaikaigiroku-o tukatta nihongo kenkyuu [Research on Japanese using the Minutes of Japanese Diet], pp. 159-184. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2005) “On the Positive Meaning of the Adjective Yabai in Japanese.” Sophia Linguistica 53, pp.109-130.
Working papers
Sano,Shin-ichiro. (2022) "Eego koopasu-o motiita goishiyoo-no hensen-nikansuru jissyooteki kenkyuu [A corpus-based study of the changes in the usage of lexical items in English]" Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 53, 59-83.
Sano,Shin-ichiro. (2020) “Putting ranuki into perspective: A multi-corpus analysis of linguistic variation and change.” ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 10: A Festschrift for Prof. Junko Hibiya in the occasion of her retirement from ICU, 93-104.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2014) “Examining Lexical and Phonological Factors on Rendaku in Spontaneous Speech.” MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 73, pp.179-190.
Kawahara Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2014) “Testing Rosen’s Rule and Strong Lyman’s Law.” NINJAL research papers 7: 111-120.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2013) “Violable and Inviolable OCP Effects on Linguistic Changes: Evidence from Verbal Inflections in Japanese.” MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 66, pp.145-156.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Deriving Global Paradigm Optimization in Japanese Voice from Constraint Interaction: Based on Corpus Data.” MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 64, pp.231-240.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2009) “Ga-gyooion-no bumpu-nituite: onseitekiyooin-ni motoduku suuryooteki bunseki.” [On the distribution of velar allophones: quantitative analysis based on phonetic factors] Sophia Working Papers in Phonetics 2009, pp.52-74.
Tetsuo Nishihara et al. eds. (2015) Eigogaku, gengogaku-yoogojiten. [Thesaurus of English linguistics and general linguistics], Tokyo: Kaitakusya. <terminology in phonology>
Conference proceedings
Sano,Shin-ichiro. (2021) Koopasu-no onrainriyoo-to gengokenkyuu-no kanoosee [Online use of corpora and prospects of linguistic studies]. Proceedings of the 72th meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan: The Regional Branch of Chubu District.
Céleste Guillemot and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2020) "Gender- and register-biased patterns in f0 use: How does prosody contribute to (in)formality in Japanese?" Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2020, 725-729.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2019) “The distribution of singleton/geminate consonants in spoken Japanese and its relation to preceding/following vowels." In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1833-1837, Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Sano. (2019) "The role of extra-linguistic factors in pitch range variation: A corpus study of spoken Japanese." In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 290-294, Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2019) “Hanasikotoba-no keenenhenka-no teeryooteki kijutsu: "Shoowa hanashikotoba koopasu," "Nihongo nitijookaiwa koopasu," "Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu"-o motiite." [Quantitative study of the chronological transition of spoken Japanese based on the Corpus of Showa Spoken Japanese, the Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation, and the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese]” Proceedings of the 158th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan, 142-148.
Asahara, Masayuki, Satoshi Nambu, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2018) "Nihongo-no nijuumokutekigokoobun-no kihongojun-nituite. [Canonical word order in double object constructions in Japanese]" Proceedings of gengoshigen katsuyoo waakusyoppu [Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources], 279-286.
Asahara, Masayuki, Satoshi Nambu, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2018) "Predicting Japanese word order in double object constructions." Proceedings of ACL (Association for Conputational Linguistics) 2018 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Learning and Processing, 36-40.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2018) “Minimal pairs and hyperarticulation of singleton and geminate consonants as enhancement of lexical/pragmatic contrasts.” NELS 48: Proceedings of the 48th conference of the North East Linguistic Society, vol.3, 53-66. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
Oshima, David Y., Kimi Akita, and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2018) "Nihongo-niokeru jootaijutsugo-no imitekinasumiwake: teidosee-to sukeerukoozoo-no kanten-kara [Semantic distribution of stative predicates in Japanese: From the perspective of gradability and scale structure]." in Proceedings of the 156th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan, 163-168.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2017) “A corpus-based study of phonological variation: The domain of OCP, and morphological boundaries.” in Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Aaron Kaplan et al., 439-446, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Procedings Project.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2015) “Universal markedness reflected in the patterns of voicing process.” in NELS 45: Proceedings of the 45th conference of the North East Linguistic Society, vol.3, 49-58. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
Sano, Shin-ichiro, and Satoshi Nambu. (2015) “Koopasu-o motiita gendainihongo-niokeru ga/o kootai-no jissyooteki kenkyuu. [A corpus-based study of nominative/accusative alternation in modern Japanese]” in Proceedings of the 150th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan, 68-73.
Kawahara Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2014) “Identity Avoidance and Rendaku.” Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on Phonology
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2013) “Patterns in Avoidance of Marked Segmental Configurations in Japanese Loanword Phonology.” Proceedings of GLOW in Asia IX: Main Session, 245-260.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2013) “Dynamic Shift of Word Frequency Effect in the Course of Linguistic Change.” Working Papers from NWAV-AP2
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Predicting Ongoing Global Paradigm Optimization in Voice in Japanese: Corpus-Based OT Analysis.” Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Jaehoon Choi et al., 398-406, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Procedings Project. [pdf]
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2012) “Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-o motiita zenzen-no henka-no shoosaika.” [Anatomy of the Change of Zenzen Using the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese] Proceedings of 1st Koopasu Nihongogaku Workshop, pp.33-42. [pdf]
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Tomohiko Ooigawa. (2010) “Distribution and Trichotomic Realization of Voiced Velars in Japanese – An Experimental Study.” Proceedings of Interspeech 2010, pp.1545-1548.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2009) “Probabilistic OT Approach to Sa-Insertion in Japanese Based on the Corpus Data.” CIL 18, pp.839-856.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2007) “Saitekiseiriron-niyoru nihongo-no siekibun-niokeru kaku-hyooji to kaisyaku-no setumei.” [Optimality Theoretic account of the relationship between case-marking and interpretation in Japanese causatives] Proceedings of the 134th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan, pp.42-47.
Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2007) “Jihatutekina hanasikotoba-ni arawareru iinaosihyoogen-no kinooteki bunseki” [Functional analysis of self-repairs in spontaneous speeches] Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of Natural Language Processing, pp.1026-1029.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2007) “Deriving Surface Word Order Variation from Constraint Interaction.” Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences, pp.228-231.
Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2006) “Classification and Annotation of Self-Repairs in Japanese Spontaneous Monologues.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (LPSS), pp.283-298.
Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin-ichiro Sano. (2006) “Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-ni motoduku iinaosihyoogen-no kinooteki bunseki.” [Functional analysis of self-repairs based on the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese] Proceedings of the 7th meeting of the Society of Japanese Grammar, pp.195-202.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2006) “Sairekotoba-no seisitu-ni kansuru keisikiteki setumei.” [Formal account of the properties of sa-Insertion] Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences, pp.32-35.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. (2005) “Sairekotoba-no seisitu-nituite.” [On the properties of sa-Insertion] Proceedings of the 130th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan, pp.23-28.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Guillemot. "Contrast enhancement and the distribution of vowel duration in Japanese." Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HISPhonCog) 2023 at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, May 2023.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. "Hanashikotoba/Kakikotoba-ni miru ranukikotoba-no bumputokuchoo [Patterns of ranuki (a segmental reduction in potential forms) in spoken and written Japanese]." Symposium: Corpus of Daily Conversation VII, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, March 2022.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Koopasu-kan hikaku-niyoru ranukikotoba-no bunseki [Analyzing ra-deletion by cross-corpus comparison]. Gengogaku fesu [Linguistics fest.], January, 2021. (online)
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Guillemot. Nihongo pittchirenji-no syakaionseegaku-teki bunseki [Sociophonetic analysis of pitch range in Japanese]. The 7th online project meeting "Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2020.
Céleste Guillemot and Shin-ichiro Sano. "Gender- and register-biased patterns in f0 use: How does prosody contribute to (in)formality in Japanese?" The 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan: May 2020.
Céleste Guillemot and Shin-ichiro Sano. "What does pitch range tell us about speech and speakers? – A sociophonetic study of pitch range variation in spoken Japanese –." The 27th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, at Sogang University, Seoul, Korea: October 2019.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. "The distribution of singleton/geminate consonants in spoken Japanese and its relation to preceding/following vowels." International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019, at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Céleste Guillemot. "The role of extra-linguistic factors in pitch range variation: A corpus study of spoken Japanese." International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019, at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Sano, Shin-ichiro.“Hanasikotoba-no keenenhenka-no teeryooteki kijutsu: "Shoowa hanashikotoba koopasu," "Nihongo nitijookaiwa koopasu," "Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu"-o motiite." [Quantitative analysis of the chronological transition in spoken Japanese: Using the Showa Spoken Japanese Corpus, the Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation, and the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese]” 158th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan: June 2019.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. "Picchirenji-to gengogaitekiyooin: shoowa hanasikotoba koopasu, nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-o motiite [Pitch range and extra-linguistic factors: Using Showa Spoken Japanese Corpus and Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese]." Symposium: Corpus of Daily Conversation IV, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, March 2019.
Nambu, Satoshi, Shin-ichiro Sano, and David Y. Oshima. "The nominative-to-accusative shift in modern Japanese: A diachronic observation." The 26th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, at UCLA, CA, USA: November, 2018.
Asahara, Masayuki, Satoshi Nambu, and Shin-ichiro Sano. "Nihongo-no nijuumokutekigokoobun-no kihongojun-nituite. [Canonical word order in double object constructions in Japanese]" Gengoshigen katsuyoo waakusyoppu [Workshop on Language Resources], at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, September, 2018.
Asahara, Masayuki, Satoshi Nambu, and Shin-ichiro Sano. "Predicting Japanese word order in double object constructions." ACL (Association for Conputational Linguistics) 2018 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Learning and Processing, at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2018.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Patterns in morphophonological variation: Identity avoidance and register." The 20th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 20), at Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, July, 2018.
Oshima, David Y., Kimi Akita, and Shin-ichiro Sano. "Nihongo-niokeru jootaijutsugo-no imitekinasumiwake: teidosee-to sukeerukoozoo-no kanten-kara [Semantic distribution of stative predicates in Japanese: From the perspective of gradability and scale structure]." 156th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan at University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan: June 2018.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. "Contrastive hyperarticulation in singleton/geminate consonants and speaking style." LabPhon 16, at Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, June, 2018.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Minimal Pairs and Hyperarticulation of Singleton and Geminate Consonants as Enhancement of Lexical/Pragmatic Contrasts.” The 48th conference of North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48), at University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, October, 2017.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Productive Use of Indexicalized Variable in Social Interaction: The Case of Ranuki in Japanese.” The 25th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, at University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA: October, 2017.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Durational Contrast in Gemination and Informativity.” Symposium on the role of predictability in shaping human language sound patterns, at Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, December, 2016.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “A Corpus-Based Study of Singletons and Geminates in Japanese: Segmental Properties and Contextual Factors.” The 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, October, 2016.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “A Corpus-based Analysis of the Shift in Licensing Condition of NPI in Japanese.” Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, at University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain: June, 2016.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “A Corpus-Based Study of Phonological Variation: The Domain of OCP, and Morphological Boundaries.” 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 34), at University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA: April, 2016.
Sano, Shin-ichiro, and Satoshi Nambu.“Koopasu-o motiita gendainihongo-niokeru ga/o kootai-no jissyooteki kenkyuu. [A corpus-based study of nominative/accusative alternation in modern Japanese]” 150th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan at Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan: June 2015.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Universal Markedness Reflected in the Patterns of Voicing Process.” The 45th conference of North East Linguistic Society (NELS 45), at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA: November, 2014.
Fukazawa, Haruka, Mafuyu Kitakara, Shigeto Kawahara, and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Two is too much: [p]-driven geminate devoicing in Japanese.” Phonology Forum 2014, at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo: August, 2014.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Rendaku in Spontaneous Speech.” The 14th conference of Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 14), at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2014.
Fukazawa, Haruka, Mafuyu Kitakara, Shigeto Kawahara, and Shin-ichiro Sano. “[p]-driven devoicing of geminates in Japanese: Empirical data and a formal analysis.” 7th Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (FAJL7), at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2014.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Examining Lexical and Phonological Factors on Rendaku in Spontaneous Speech.” 7th Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (FAJL7), at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2014.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Lexical Frequency and Applicability of Rendaku, and its Productivity.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation Asia-Pacific 3 (NWAV-AP3), at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, May, 2014.
Fukazawa, Haruka, Shigeto Kawahara, Mafuyu Kitakara, and Shin-ichiro Sano. “[p] causes devoicing of geminates in Japanese.” International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, December, 2013.
Kawahara Shigeto and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Identity Avoidance and Rendaku.” Phonology 2013, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, November 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro, and Shigeto Kawahara. “Testing rendaku experimentally: Rosen’s Rule, (Strong) Lyman’s Law and Identity Avoidance.” Monthly Meeting of the Tokyo Circle of Phonologists, at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, October 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Modeling the Sequential Changes of Verbal Inflections in Potential Forms in Japanese.” 19th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 19), at University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2013.
Shinohara, Shigeko, Yu Tanaka, and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Synchronic Usage of Phonetic Saliency: Coda Perception Patterns by the Codaless Tone Language White Hmong.” 19th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 19), at University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Shigeto Kawahara. “A Corpus-Based Study of Geminate Devoicing in Japanese.” RUMMIT 2013, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, April 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Shigeto Kawahara. “The effect of place on geminate devoicing in the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese.” International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology 2013 (ICPP 2013), at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, January 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Violable and Inviolable OCP Effects on Linguistic Changes: Evidence from Verbal Inflections in Japanese.” 6th Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (FAJL6), at Japanese Embassy/Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, September 2012. [slide]
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Patterns in Avoidance of Marked Segmental Configurations in Japanese Loanword Phonology.” 9th Generative Linguistics in Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia IX), at Mie University, Mie, Japan, September 2012.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Dynamic Shift of Word Frequency Effect in the Course of Linguistic Change.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation Asia-Pacific 2 (NWAV-AP2), at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, August 2012. [slide]
Quintero Garcia, Daniel and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Writing in Spanish as an Elective Language for International Students Based in Japan.” 2nd International Conference on Academic Writing.” at the Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 2012.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-o motiita zenzen-no henka-no shoosaika.” [Anatomy of the Change of Zenzen Using the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese] 1st Koopasu Nihongogaku Workshop, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, March 2012.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Predicting Ongoing Global Paradigm Optimization in Voice in Japanese: Corpus-Based OT Analysis.” 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 29), at University of Arizona, USA, April 2011.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Tomohiko Ooigawa. “Distribution and Trichotomic Realization of Voiced Velars in Japanese – An Experimental Study.” Interspeech 2010 at Makuhari Messe, Japan, Japan, September 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Cumulative Strengthening and Distribution of Velar Allophones in Japanese.” Phonology Forum 2010 at University of Shizuoka, Japan, August 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Deriving Global Paradigm Optimization in Japanese Voice from Constraint Interaction: Based on Corpus Data.” 5th Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (FAJL5) at University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, May 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Japanese Velar Allophones Revisited: A Quantitative Analysis based on the Speech Production Experiments.” 19th Japanese/Korean Linguistics (JK 19) at University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, November 2009.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Real-time Demonstration of the Change from Above/Below Based on the Corpus Data: Cases of Sa-Insertion, Ra-Deletion, and Re-Insertion in Japanese.” 38th New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 38) at University of Ottawa, Canada, October 2009.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Probabilistic OT approach to Sa-Insertion in Japanese Based on the Corpus Data.” 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18) at Korea University, Seoul, Korea: July 2008.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Statistical Analysis of Sa-Insertion: Via Diet Database.”17th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (JK 17) at UCLA, Los Angeles, California: November 2007.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “An Optimality-Theoretic Account of Sa-insertion in Japanese.” Workshop on Variation, Gradience and Frequency in Phonology at Stanford University, Stanford, California: July 2007.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Saitekiseiriron-niyoru nihongo-no siekibun-niokeru kaku-hyooji to kaisyaku-no setumei.” [Optimality Theoretic account of the relationship between case-marking and interpretation in Japanese causatives] 134th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan at Reitaku University, Chiba, Japan: June 2007.
Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Jihatutekina hanasikotoba-ni arawareru iinaosihyoogen-no kinooteki bunseki” [Functional analysis of self-repairs in spontaneous speeches] 13th Meeting of Natural Language Processing at Ryukoku University, Shiga, Japan: March 2007.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Deriving Surface Word Order Variation from Constraint Interaction.” 19th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences. Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan: March 2007.
Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Classification and Annotation of Self-Repairs in Japanese Spontaneous Monologues.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (LPSS) at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan: November 2006.
Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin-ichiro Sano. “Nihongo hanasikotoba koopasu-ni motoduku iinaosihyoogen-no kinooteki bunseki.” [Functional analysis of self-repairs based on the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese] 7th meeting of the Society of Japanese Grammar at Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan: October 2006.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Sairekotoba-no seisitu-ni kansuru keisikiteki setumei.” [Formal account of the properties of sa-Insertion] 17th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences at Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan: March 2006.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Sairekotoba-no seisitu-nituite.” [On the properties of sa-Insertion] 130th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan: June 2005.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. “Gengohenka tositeno sairekotoba.” 30th Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society, Workshop Kokkaikaigiroku-o tukatta nihongo kenkyuu [Research on Japanese using the Minutes of Japanese Diet] at Kansai University, Osaka, Japan: June 2005. (KLS26 p.472.)
Invited Talks & Lectures
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Nihongo-no yuuseetairitu-niokeru tairitu-teki kyootyoohatuon-no kyuukoyuusee [Cue-specific nature of contrastive hyperarticulation in Japanese voicing contrast]. Invited talk at the 5th meeting of ILCAA Joint Research Project at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies "Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics", March 30, 2024. (Online)
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Sociolinguistic and phonological aspects of the variable ranuki in Japanese. Monash Japanese Studies Center Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, April 5, 2023.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Koopasu-o motiita ranukikotoba-no bunseki: oninronteki/syakaigengogakuteki kanten-kara [Corpus-based analysis of ranuki: Phonological and sociolinguistic perspective]. Invited talk at the 6th meeting of ILCAA Joint Research Project at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies "Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics", March 19, 2023. (Online)
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Oninsosee-no choofuku-to sono kaihiseegen-no kooka: yuuseesee-o ree-toshite [Overlap of phonological features and the effects of identity avoidance]. Invited talk at the 4th meeting of ILCAA Joint Research Project at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies "Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics", December 12, 2021. (Online)
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Koopasu-no onrainriyoo-to gengokenkyuu-no kanoosee [Online use of corpora and prospects of linguistic studies]. Invited talk at the symposium "Thinking about language transitions: linguistic data, language change, and linguistic theory" in the 72th meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan: The Regional Branch of Chubu District, at Gifu University, Gifu, October, 2020. (online)
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Onhenka-niokeru tsuuji-to kyooji-no setten, oyobi gendainihongo-no inritsutokutyoo-no henka-nikansuru jissyooteki kentoo [Empirical examination of the link between synchrony and diachrony in sound change and the shift of prosodic properties in modern Japanese]. Invited talk at Tohoku University, Sendai, August, 2020 (online).
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Koopasu-kan hikaku-niyoru gengohenka-no teeryooteki kijutsu [Quantitative analysis of linguistic change by cross-corpus comparison]. Invited talk at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, March, 2020. (online)
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Yuuseisei-to ika: rendaku-to sokuon museika-o rei-tosite [Voicing and dissimilation: Cases of rendaku and geminate devoicing]. Invited Talk at the Graduate School of Humanities at Nagoya University, Nagoya, November, 2018.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Nihongo eigo-no chigai-to bunka [Differences between Japanese and English and culture]. Invited Talk at the College of International Relations at Nihon University, Shizuoka, November, 2018.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Shizenhatsuwa-niokeru tanon/sokuon-no jizokujikan heni: saisyootsui, tairitsu hoji, joohoosee-no kanten-kara [Durational variation in singletons/geminates in spoken Japanese: minimal pairs, contrast preservation, and informativity.] Symposium: Corpus of Daily Conversation III, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, March 2018.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Only one [+voice] is enough: The role of the OCP in phonological variation. Invited Talk at Sophia Linguistic Society (at Sophia University), Tokyo, July, 2016.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Studying phonological variation using the corpus of spontaneous Japanese. Invited Talk at ICPP 2015 (at Keio University), Tokyo, Japan, September, 2015.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Gengo-to ninchi, shikoo [Language, cognition, and thought]. Invited Talk at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2015.
Sano, Shin-ichiro and Shigeto Kawahara. Testing rendaku experimentally: Rosen’s Rule, (Strong) Lyman’s Law and Identity Avoidance. Invited Talk at 3rd ICPP (at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics), Tokyo, Japan, December, 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Tookei seminaa [Statistics seminar], at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan: September 3-5, 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. The Roles of Internal and External Factors and the Mechanism of Analogical Leveling: Variationist- and Probabilistic OT Approach to Ongoing Langauge Change in Japanese Voice System, at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Akihabara Satellite Campus (2013 Spring Meeting of The Phonological Society of Japan), Tokyo, Japan: June 14, 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. R-niyoru tookei kiso [Basics of Statistics using R], at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan: February 18-19, 2013.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Rendakukisoku-no tekiyoo-ni kakawaru yoointositeno goihindo oyobi rendakukisoku-no seisansei [Lexical frequency affecting the application of rendaku, and the productivity of the rule], at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, November 10, 2012.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. R-niyoru tookei nyuumon [Introduction to Statistics using R], at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan: August 8-10, 2012.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Gendai nihongo kakikotoba kinkoo koobasu onrain-kensaku-no kiso to jissen [Basics and Usage of the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese], at Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan: September 27, 2012.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Rethinking the Distribution of Voiced Velar Allophones in Japanese and its Theoretical Implications, at University of Tokyo, Japan: November 7, 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Predicting Language Change in Progress: Probabilistic OT Account of sa-Insertion, ra-Deletion, and re-Insertion in Japanese, at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (Phonology Seminar), Tokyo, Japan: October 26, 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Introduction to Corpus-Based Methods in Linguistic Research, at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan: June 2, 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro. Deriving Global Paradigm Optimization in Japanese Voice from Constraint Interaction, at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan: May 26, 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro Gengohenka-to tookei. [Language change and statistics] at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan: February 11-13, 2010.
Sano, Shin-ichiro Daigakuin-no arukikata: gengogaku syobun’ya-o senkoosuru gakusei-o taisyootosite. [Some tips for graduate school life: for students majoring in linguistics] at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan: April 2009.
TV appearance
NHK soogoo “Minna-de nihon GO! (12th, comments on incoming positive meaning of yabai)” 22 July 2010.
NHK soogoo “Minna-de nihon GO! (2nd & 20th, fieldwork and comments on sa-Insertion and Diet database)” 8 April, 30 September (re-run) 2010.