01. Sheriff Operations.pptx

It is understood that the rising velocity of human interaction through growth and technology set the conditions for second and third order effects on how community policing is carried out.  The lack of manning, space and time, innovative training and education, appropriate compensations, inefficient models and the rise of competing tasks all erodes the ability for humans to have authentic relatedness.  Leaders at all levels must internalize these factors and strive to seek a strategic approach at the same rising velocity as noted  in the Human Dimension Concept.  Law enforcement leaders must strive to seek out a paradigm shift with new art and science concept models in order to carry out public safety operations.


In accordance with General Orders, to effectively have a decentralized community policing, it is important for those members in or with public safety to have a clear conceptualization of the full spectrum operations.  When this occurs, mission command will be more effective and the Sheriff's Office will not be managed with a top-down approach, aiding in a more professional public service.  The concept model below is provided as a frame of reference and to aid in a transparent shared vision.



Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.


The Human Dimension Concept is a broad set of capabilities that describes and provides a guide for how Law Enforcement will have to use a common framework for adapting and enhancing their efforts to achieve superior effectiveness in Sheriff Operations and is the underpinning to leadership and leader development.  This concept provides ideas that help synchronize and integrate personnel policies with training and education, science and technology, medical, and social science efforts to provide Law Enforcement a dynamic competitive advantage in future operations and enable sustaining efforts in developing the knowledge skills and abilities of the next generation of leaders.

This concept redefines the parameters of the human dimension as encompassing the cognitive, physical, and social components.  It includes all aspects to include organizational development and performance essential to raise, prepare, and employ Sheriff Operations.  The future operational environment will present Law Enforcement Leaders with complexity. Threats will manifest themselves in combinations of regular, irregular, terrorist, and criminal elements.  These threats will have access to sophisticated technologies such as robots, unmanned vehicles (aerial and ground), and possibly weapons of mass destruction.

They will merge cyber and electronic criminal activity capabilities to enable them to operate from disparate locations.  Adding to this complexity is continued urbanization and affordable access to social media. The resulting "rising velocity of human interaction" will make it more difficult to completely understand events or to predict the aftermath of any incident. Leaders may become overwhelmed with information and face multiple dilemmas in shorter periods.  This complex environment will therefore require future professionals to perform and communicate at a higher level.

2021-01-01 Sheriff Operations Concept Model.pdf
2021-01-01 Sheriff Operations Oversight Model.pdf


2014-DOJ Community Policing Defined.pdf