Friends of the Sheridan Library
phone: (406)842-5770
mail: FOTL, Inc, PO BOX 107, 109 E Hamilton St, Sheridan Montana
Join Us
for a special presentation by the Women's Resource Center
February 6 (Thursday) 6:30-8pm at the Sheridan Library.
Zoom simulcast available.
The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) offers free, confidential services to women, men, and children in Beaverhead and Madison counties who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking. What services does the WRC provide, and how can individuals access them?
During the event, WRC staff will provide an overview of their programs and services, and explain the cyclical nature of violence and abuse. They will also highlight educational and outreach efforts aimed at reducing violence in local communities, and share ways individuals and organizations can help meet the growing demand for safe shelter and related support services.
For more information, call (406) 683-6106 or visit
Dark Skies: Light Pollution and the Story of Montana's Night Skies
(A Humanities Montana Community Conversations program)
Presented by Dr. Sabre Moore, Director, Carter County Museum, Ekalaka, MT
March 27 (Thursday), 6-8pm.
Zoom simulcast available.
The night sky has inspired generations of humanity to tell stories — some about heroes and adventures, others about life ways or the movements of seasons and animals. Today we find ourselves in a world in which dark skies are increasingly rare, especially in urban areas, due to the growing prevalence of light pollution. Join DarkSky Advocate Sabre Moore, to learn about the history and culture of the DarkSky movement and the effects of light pollution on human, animal and environmental health. Along the way, audiences will hear about night sky stories, gain an understanding of Montana’s Dark Sky Places, including Medicine Rocks State Park, and how they can measure light pollution by phone, and join global citizen science efforts.
Annual Meeting: Second Monday of September at 5pm.
Friends of the library are welcome, but not required to attend
The Mission of the Friends of the Sheridan Public Library, Inc. is to support the Library, its services and programs, by generating current and long-term funding, by sponsoring library programming for the benefit of the community, and by developing volunteer involvement. --Approved 2023-03