
Current Funding: 

2023-2026 NSF: IRES Track I: United States-Nepal Collaborative Research for Climate, Water and Environmental Biotechnology (CWEB) PI: $300k 

2023-2028 NSF: NRT ACCESS (AI for Changing Climate and Environmental Sustainability)  PI: $3million 

2022-2024 EPA : A cross-regional, cross-laboratory investigation of viral pathogens and surrogates in wastewater for non-potable reuse, PI at MSU $150k

2021-2023 NSF : RAPID Impact of flooding on groundwater quality following Hurricane Ida, PI $50,000

2020-2024 Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, NIH NIAID, R21, PI, $416k

Completed Grants; 

2021-2022 COR-Tulane WBE in correctional facilities, PI , $10,000

2021-2022 USGS- Occurrence and genotype characterization of Naegleria fowleri in public water systems, PI, $25k

2020-2021 P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet, PI, $25k

2020-2022 EPA Region 6 Water Quality Monitoring and Education in New Orleans East through a Community-based Citizen Science Program $40k

2020-2021  Experiences being Pregnant during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Co-I $25k 

2021-2022 NOAA Sea Grant White Spot Snydrome virus in crawfish, PI, $170k

2020-2022 Integrated Research and Engagement Source Area-Based Monitoring, Modeling and Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Pontchartrain (SAM3HAB), LA Sea Grant, $199k, PI(at Tulane)

2020-2023 A Multi-Factor Investigation to Reduce Effluent from Residential Aerated Treatment Units and Increase Understanding of the Conditions and Biota of Receiving Waters ,US EPA Gulf of Mexico, $464,939 , Co-PI

2018-2021 Community Engagement Louisiana: Home Wastewater-centric Interdisciplinary Project to Improve Water Quality. LPBF, US Environmental Protection Agency, $174,759.

2019-2023 Enhancement of Coastal Louisiana Research and Workforce Infrastructure by Building on the Expertise of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Technology Established at Nicholls and Tulane Universities, $$687,509 , LABoard of Regents, Co-PI

2019-2021 Environmental influences on pregnancy outcomes after Hurricane Michael, $433,069, NIEHS, Co-I

2019-2020 Assessing Exposures to Arsenic and Other Inorganic Chemicals in Unregulated Private Wells in Southern Louisiana: Implications to Human Health, LACATS, $30,000, Co-PI 

2018-2021 Impact of saltwater intrusion on groundwater microbiome, $119,835, LA Board of Regents

2018-2020 Water quality monitoring in New Orleans East, New Orleans East Lagoon Maxent Community Stewardship, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), $45,000.

2018-2019 Understanding the dynamics of water resources and their impact on drinking water quality of unregulated wells around Lake Pontchartrain, COR, $10,000 Tulane University

2018-2019 CELT Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research, CELT, Tulane University, $5900

2018-2019 LA Sea Grant UROP Award, $3000