


Refereed Journal

  1. Kimura, T., & Morimitsu, T. (2021). Cost-based pricing in government procurements with unobservable cost-reducing actions and productivity. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, forthcoming.

  2. Hamamura, J. and Y. Zennyo. (2021). Retailer voluntary investment against a threat of manufacturer encroachment. Marketing Letters, forthcoming.

  3. Zennyo, Y. (2020). Freemium competition among ad-sponsored platforms. Information Economics and Policy, 50, 100848.

  4. Nagaoka, N. (2019). Monotonicity in Condorcet Jury Theorem under Strategic Voting. Economics Bulletin, 39(4), 2688-2696.

  5. Zennyo, Y. (2019). Freemium Competition Among Ad-Sponsored Platforms. Information Economics and Policy, 100848.

  6. Hino, Y. (2019). An efficiency result in a repeated prisoner’s dilemma game under costly observation with nonpublic randomization. Mathematical Social Sciences, 101, 47-53.

  7. 角田侑史・山本涼平 (2019)「市場に任せる路線ネットワーク選択 : 成功と失敗」『交通学研究』 62, 85-92.

  8. Hamamura, J. (2019). Unobservable transfer price exceeds marginal cost when the manager is evaluated using a balanced scorecard. Advances in Accounting, 44, 22-28.

  9. Tsunoda, Y. (2018). Transportation policy for high-speed rail competing with airlines. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 116, 350-360.

  10. Hamamura, J. (2018). The impact of an information linkage system on afirm’s organization structure, transfer price, and profit. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, 13(1): 131-152.

  11. Zennyo, Y. (2017). Asymmetric Payoffs and Spatial Competition. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 17(1), 29-41.

  12. Hino, Y., & Zennyo, Y. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and strategic relationships. International Review of Economics, 64(3), 231-244.

Working Papers