Inclement Weather Plan

IB English A1 Literature Year One:

Continue reading, annotating, and analyzing the current piece of literature we are studying this semester (East of Eden, Into the Wild, Wonderful Fool) in preparation for the IOP. Remember to keep a list of possible IOP topics as you read; the presentation may be on one, two, or three of the books.

Furthermore, make sure you are making progress on your World Literature Paper.

Step 1: Thesis Statements (DONE)

Step 2: Outline (In Progress)

Step 3: Drafting (Due toward the end of March)

Step 4: Editing

Step 5: Final Drafting #1: Due the week of May 20th


Continue reading and studying works of Greek Mythology.

1. Heroes, Gods, and Monsters

2. The Iliad and Odyssey

3. The Oedipus Cycle

Remember to keep this is mind as you read:

What questions does each myth attempt to answer?

How is each myth a reflection of its culture?

How does each myth influence its culture?