
Opportunities: Dr. Shao’s lab aims to realize energy and time-efficient hardware for physical and quantum intelligence. Initially, his group will work on novel electronic and spintronic materials and structures for memory, neuromorphic and quantum computing applications. His group is seeking highly motivated candidates (Ph.D. student, research assistant, and postdoc) who have a solid background in EE, MSE, Physics, or other related fields. Doing cutting-edge research in his group involves extensive collaborations with domestic and international schools and institutes. If you are interested, please contact him and send a comprehensive CV to eeqshao@ust.hk or sqm@ucla.edu

Platform: HKUST has state-of-the-art cleanroom (www.nff.ust.hk/) and material characterization facilities (http://www.mcpf.ust.hk/), which allow you to make nanometer-scale devices and observe atomic effects for many exciting and important applications. Based on this platform, Dr. Shao’s group will build a device research lab with world-class thin film deposition, device fabrication, quantum transport, and microwave characterization tools.