
For an updated list of publications visit my Google Scholar profile. Some of my older publications are listed below in chronological order. For an area-wise list, see this link.

Papers based on work done at UCLA (during graduate studies) [September 2010 - August 2016]

1. "Secure state estimation against sensor attacks in the presence of noise,"

Shaunak Mishra, Yasser Shoukry, Nikhil Karamchandani, Suhas Diggavi and Paulo Tabuada,

IEEE TCNS Special Issue on Secure Control of Cyber Physical Systems (accepted),

arXiv preprint link.

2. "Secure state estimation: optimal guarantees against sensor attacks

in the presence of noise,"

Shaunak Mishra, Yasser Shoukry, Nikhil Karamchandani, Suhas Diggavi and Paulo Tabuada,

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2015)

Extended version link (arXiv).

3. "Secure state estimation and control using multiple (insecure) observers,''

Shaunak Mishra, Nikhil Karamchandani, Paulo Tabuada and Suhas Diggavi,

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014)

Extended version link.

4. "Harnessing bursty interference in multicarrier systems with feedback,''

Shaunak Mishra, I-Hsiang Wang and Suhas Diggavi,

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014)

Extended version link (arXiv).

A longer version of this paper is under submission for

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

5. "Opportunistic interference management for multicarrier systems,''

Shaunak Mishra, I-Hsiang Wang and Suhas Diggavi,

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2013)

Extended version link (arXiv).

6. "Using feedback for secrecy over graphs,''

Shaunak Mishra, Christina Fragouli, Vinod Prabhakaran and Suhas Diggavi,

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2013)

Extended version link (arXiv).

7. "Group secret key agreement over state-dependent

wireless broadcast channels,"

Mahdi Jafari Siavoshani, Shaunak Mishra, Christina Fragouli and Suhas Diggavi,

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011)

IEEE Xplore link.

Papers based on work done at IIT Kharagpur (during undergraduate studies) [Aug. 2006- June 2010]

1. ''A quadtree decomposition based extended vector space model for image retrieval,''

Vignesh Ramanathan, Shaunak Mishra and Pabitra Mitra,

IEEE Computer Society's Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2011)

IEEE Xplore link.

2. ''A high level performance estimation: modeling the effects of parameters on performance

properties for a tool based SDR development,''

Venkatesh Ramakrishnan, Shaunak Mishra, Gerd Ascheid and R. V. Raja Kumar,

IEEE International Conference on Communications 2010 (ICC 2010)

IEEE Xplore link.

3. ''A fair cognitive channel allocation method for cellular networks,''

Sunav Choudhary, Shaunak Mishra, Nachiket Desai, N. Swathi Priya, Dhaval Chudasama

and R.V. Raja Kumar,

Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management, 2009 (CogART 2009)

IEEE Xplore link.

4. ''A fuzzy logic based approach to de-Weather fog-degraded images,''

Nachiket Desai, Aritra Chatterjee, Shaunak Mishra, Dhaval Chudasama, Sunav Choudhary

and Sudhirkumar Barai,

International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging & Visualisation (cgiv09)

IEEE Xplore link.