
Diagnomics is a genomics and bioinformatics company providing solutions for personalized medicine and next generation healthcare, and is located in San Diego, California U.S.A. We are one of the first Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based genomics companies on the West Coast of the U.S., and is made up of scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs including early pioneers in the sequencing of human genomes.Diagnomics has cutting edge genome presentation software as well as genome discovery expertise to guide the development of new therapeutic targets and novel diagnostic tools. Diagnomics technology is recognized and accepted by global leading bio and IT companies such as Illumina and Intel by partnering advancing analysis of NGS data.

Eone Diagnomics Genome Center (EDGC) is a biotech-healthcare company in Songdo Inchon, Korea. Our goal is to provide high quality healthcare products and services to guide personalized medicine based on an individuals' genetic information. EDGC provides various personal genome sequencing and bioinformatics solutions to bio-medical researchers, physicians and individuals seeking to understand the genetic influence of personal health and disease. Led by internationally recognized scientists, physicians and engineers, our team successfully sequenced and analyzed many normal and diseased human genomes including individuals with various cancers and rare genetic diseases.

MyGenomeBox(MGB) is a sharing platform built upon a cloud solution that securely stores your genome and enables you to convert your genome into useful information, utilize 3rd party apps and services, and connect to relevant partners and individuals. We provide a platform in the cloud to securely host your genome “box” online. MGB converts your genomic data into a user friendly “Application Ready” format. Your personal genome information is made available, exclusively to you, in a secure cloud environment ready to interface with popular genomic analysis services and genomic application companies from around the world.

KiraGen is dedicated to help the global community understand and make use of their genetic information to achieve optimized health and happiness. It is your source for knowledge, preventative health and wellness information, and inspiration to improve your health and fitness with personalized genomics. Your genetic makeup and health response is unique, and so should your life style, diet and disease prevention plan. Your unique DNA is the coded manual that holds the secret to optimal health, and Kiragen provides you with all the information and tools necessary to unlock it.

Genomics Personalized Health (GPH) is a Consumer Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) provider of Application Ready genomic data that can be used with popular third party genomic analysis services and genomic applications currently available on the web. We provide individual consumers, who are interested in preventative health and wellness, the opportunity to get their Whole Genome sequenced for the first time.

We send you an easy to use saliva collection kit, "spit kit", and once it is processed your personal Whole Genome is made available, exclusively to you, in a secure cloud environment. We provide raw genomic data, we do not provide medical advice. The intended use of our Whole Genome Sequencing services is for informational and educational use only.