
Attending the meetings and contributing your energy and ideas from your school or from your community is a great contribution and keeps the testimonies and input from S.H.A.P.P.E. grounded in what is needed by those serving and educating our young people.  A part time stipend and the funds to support the printing and communication are taken from donations to S.H.A.P.P.E. and through a grant, when possible, entered into with our fiduciary agent the 21st CSF.  Letter for Nov, 2023 is below

Dear Friends

Today is Giving Tuesday. You have already given a lot to S.H.A.P.P.E.  through your involvement over the last 25 years. Your support has mattered every day. The founding principle of the Senior High Alliance of Parents Principals and Educators is that in order to be successful, public education must be a cooperative endeavor of students, parents, teachers, administrators, city leaders and our community of neighbors, citizens and partners. S.H.A.P.P.E. works to strengthen and protect that partnership. We support the facilitation of the Ward 4 Education Alliance and Coalition for DC Public Schools and Communities C4DC.

We continue to advocate for strong aligned programming, resources and opportunities for all to be informed by listening to one another and then advocating for the greatest need. .These are challenging times; I believe our democracy depends on a strong high school education for all as a right.  This requires the engagement of the public in the policies and practices of our school system. A lot of the work of these organizations centers on ensuring that we maintain, invest and grow our DCPS public system of right overseen and funded by our elected representatives with the partnership and engagement of the families and community. This is not easy and does not mean we always agree, it is the work of democratic institutions. 

If you are able to contribute toward this effort; your support will make a difference in the work of S.H.A.P.P.E. and will be greatly appreciated. Your donations and help from the 21CSF are our main support. The 21st Century School Fund is the fiduciary agent as well as a primary partner to S.H.A.P.P.E. To donate bycredit card scroll down and identify S.H.A.P.P.E. on the menu. If you are sending a check please let me know, and make out the check to 21CSF, designate SHAPPE on the check and mail to 21CSF at 1816 12th St NW,Washington, DC 20009.

Thank you,

Cathy Reilly

Executive Director,
