
Comparison of DCPS and Charter School Central Office Expenditures from NCES for 2018-to 2020

In the only data set that uses the same definitions for DCPS and D.C. charter LEAs, our analysis also shows that many D.C. Charter LEAs report that they are spending a larger percentage of their annual expenditures on these central office functions described in Table 1, and that as a sector D.C. charter LEAs spend about 16% of their total expenditures on central office functions, whereas DCPS spends about 15% (Chart 2: % Admin Functions (E07, E08, V90) of TCURELSC FY18-20 District of Columbia LEAs  (Excludes Adult Education LEAs))

Admin Functions for DC Public Schools NCES Data FY18-20.docx.pdf

Chairman Mendelson's Schools First In Budgeting Amendment Act of 2021 https://legiscan.com/DC/text/B24-0570/2021

Here is the basic text of the bill:

“(b) The annual budget for each local school shall be determined as follows: 44 “

(1) Begin with the actual budget of the current fiscal year as of January 1st; 45 “

(2) For School Year 2022-2023, adjust the personal services (PS) budget to 46 reflect the actual salaries paid to personnel in the budget but do not deduct any funded vacancies; 47 “

(3) Increase the NPS budget by the rate equal to the increase in the CPI-U for 48 Washington DC for the previous calendar year; 49 

(4) Increase the PS budget by a rate which is the higher of the increase in the 50 CPI-U, 2%, the projected increase in the overall UPSFF budget for DCPS, or the increase for 51 teachers required in the Washington Teachers Union contract; 52 “

(5) Increase the NPS budget by an amount, if any, agreed to by the Chancellor; 53 “

(6) Increase the PS budget to increase personnel at the school, as agreed to by the 54 Chancellor; provided, if the projected enrollment increases so as to require one or more 55 additional classroom teachers then the Chancellor shall increase the number of personnel in 56 accordance with the enrollment growth; 57 “

(7) Increase or reduce the PS budget to reflect fully the increase or reduction of 58 special education or ELL faculty; 3 59 

“(8) The PS budget may be decreased if the projected enrollment declines; 60 provided, that the decrease shall be made only on an FTE basis and shall not be made unless the 61 enrollment decline is great enough on the grade level to eliminate a classroom or warrant 62 elimination of a classroom teacher; and 63 “

(9) Increase the PS or NPS budget (as appropriate) to fund fully the cost of any 64 additional costs the Chancellor may require the school to carry, such as the transfer of services to 65 the school that were previously paid by School Support or Central Administration. 66 “

(10) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to preclude a school from 67 requesting additional funding. 68 “

(11) The budget (PS or NPS) may be increased additionally at the discretion of 69 the Chancellor. 70 

“(c) The calculation prescribed by subsection (b) is a public record and shall be made 71 available to the public no later than six weeks before the submission date for the fiscal year 72 budget established by the Council.”. 73 Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 74 The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 75 statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved 76 October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a). 77 Sec. 5. Effective date. 78 This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 79 mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review as 80 provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 81 24, 1973, (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)), and publication in the District of 82 Columbia Register. 


Go to C4DC http://www.c4dcpublicschools.org/ to get more information on the FY23 Budget as well as previous years. 

This is the local budget support draft after the first vote:  Look on pages 50 to 54 for At risk amounts going directly to schools.