
Working Papers

Strategic Forecasts Under Ambiguity, with Xiaoyu Cheng, Wei Shao, and Rui Shen (January 2025)

A Logit Neural-Network Model, with Chen Zhao, Sung-Lin Hsieh, and Zhaoran Wang (July 2024)

Decision Making under Multidimensional Risk, with Mu Zhang (May 2024)

Profitably Retaining Old Customers and Rewarding New Customers, with Wilfred Amaldoss and Chan He (March 2024) 


Can Investment Incentives Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence from China, with Yao Lu, Xinzheng Chi, and Yeqing Zhang (Economic Development and Cultural Change 2025) 

Learning from a Black Box, with Brian Wu and Chen Zhao (Journal of Economic Theory 2024)

From Local Utility to Neural Networks, with Chen Zhao (Journal of Mathematical Economics 2024)

A Model of Product Line Marketing, with Chuan He and Xingtan Zhang (Management Science 2022)

Utilitarianism and Social Discounting with Countably Many Generations, with Tangren Feng and Andrew McMillan (Journal of Mathematical Economics 2022)

Robust Pricing under Strategic Trading, with Aibo Gong, Yawen Qiu, and Rui Shen (Journal of Economic Theory 2022)

Randomization and Ambiguity Aversion, with Qi Zhang (Econometrica 2020)

Boundedly Rational Backward Induction (Theoretical Economics 2019)

Social Discounting and Intergenerational Pareto, with Tangren Feng (Econometrica 2018, lead article)

    - Supplement

Rational Expectation of Mistakes and a Measure of Error-Proneness (Theoretical Economics 2018)

    - An earlier version with applications to games (May 2017)