Navrátil, P., Pekař. L., Matušů, R., Song, M., Gao, Q., Kandala, S. S., Araújo, J. M., Kadlčík, O., “Experimental identification and control of a TITO hot-air tunnel using PLC and PCI card”, ACS Omega (accepted, in press) (Link)
Kandala, S. S., Uchida, T. K., Vyasarayani, C. P. “Pole placement for time-delayed systems with time-periodic delays using Galerkin approximations”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (accepted, in press) (Link)
Kandala, S. S., Samukham, S., Vyasarayani, C. P., “Spurious roots of delay differential equations using Galerkin approximations”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 26, Issue 15 – 16, pp 1178 – 1184, 2020
Vourganti, V., Kandala, S. S., Meesala, V. C., Vyasarayani, C. P., “Supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcations in a delay differential model of a heat exchanger tube under and cross-flow”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2020
Kandala, S. S., Sayan Chakraborty, Vyasarayani, C. P., “Hybrid method-of-receptances and optimization-based technique for pole placement in time-delayed systems”, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp 558-569, 2020
Chakraborty, S., Kandala, S. S.*, Vyasarayani, C. P., “Reduced order modelling of time-delay systems using Galerkin approximations and eigenvalue decomposition”, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp 1065-1083, 2019 (* – equal contribution and corresponding author)
Kandala, S. S., Uchida, T. K., Vyasarayani, C. P., “Galerkin approximations for the pole placement of time-delay systems”, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 141, Issue 5, 2019
Under review / under preparation
Kandala, S. S.*, Auriol, J., Aarsnes, U. J. F., Shor, R., “Field validation of the drillstring model and evolution of friction parameters along depth for a well bore”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (under review)
Kandala, S. S.*, Auriol, J., Aarsnes, U. J. F., Shor, R., “Real-time estimation of bit-rock interaction parameters in drilling”, (Invited for a special issue of Annual Reviews in Control)
Kandala, S. S.*, Auriol, J., Aarsnes, U. J. F., Shor, R., “Evolution of friction parameters along a well bore”, (for a special issue in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences)
Kandala, S. S., Vyasarayani, C. P., “High fidelity models for balancing on tightropes and slacklines with delays using Galerkin approximations” (manuscript under preparation)
Kandala, S. S., “Performance and stability analysis of supply networks with delays using Galerkin approximations” (manuscript under preparation)
Peer-reviewed Conferences
Kandala, S. S.*, Shor, R., “Enabling real-time estimation of borehole parameters in deep drilling”, IEEE Sensors Conference, Oct. 31st–Nov. 4th, 2021 (accepted)
Kandala, S. S.*, Auriol, J., Aarsnes, U. J. F., Shor, R., “Evolution of friction parameters along a well bore”, International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV), University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, U. K., Dec. 14th–16th, 2020
S. S. Kandala, S. Chakraborty, C. P. Vyasarayani, “Comparing method of receptances and optimization-based techniques for pole placement of time-delayed systems”, 5th Indian Control Conference (ICC), IIT Delhi, Delhi, India, Jan. 9th–11th, 2019
S. S. Kandala, C. P. Vyasarayani, “Pole placement for delay differential equations with time-periodic delays using Galerkin approximations”, 5th IFAC–International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS), Hyderabad, India, Feb. 18th–22nd, 2018
Sayan Chakraborty, S. S. Kandala, C. P. Vyasarayani, “Reduced order modelling of time-delay systems using Galerkin approximations and eigenvalue decomposition”, 5th IFAC–International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS), Hyderabad, India, Feb. 18th–22nd, 2018
S. S. Kandala, C. P. Vyasarayani, “Galerkin approximations for the pole placement of time-delay systems”, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Budapest, Hungary, June 25th–30th, 2017, N447
S. S. Kandala, C. P. Vyasarayani, “Pole placement for time-delayed systems using Galerkin approximations”, 61st Congress of Indian Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), VIT, Vellore, India, Dec. 11th–14th, 2016
S. S. Kandala, C. P. Vyasarayani, “Galerkin approximations for thermoacoustic instability in a Rijke’s tube”, IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear and Delayed Dynamics of Mechatronic Systems, Nanjing, China, Oct. 17th–21st, 2016, IUTAM2016A51
Shanti Swaroop Kandala, Dae–Oen Lee, Jae–Hung Han, “Development of Elastomer based Vibration Isolation Device for Low–Amplitude Vibrations”, 19th International Conference on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8th–12th, 2012
Shanti Swaroop Kandala, Abrar–Ul–Haq Khan Baluch, Yeerang Lim, Jaehwan Pi, Sujang Jo, Youngsuk Jung, Hyochoong Bang, “Demonstration of Optical Stellar Interferometry with Near Earth Objects (NEO) using Laser Range Finder by a Nano–Satellite Constellation: A Cost–Effective Approach”, 2nd United Nations Nano–Satellite Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, March 14th–16th, 2011
Shanti Swaroop Kandala, “Finite Element Analysis for Sandwich Beams”, 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, South Korea, Oct. 12th–16th, 2009, IAC–09.C2.7.12
Chetan Angadi, Sudeep K. C, Shanti Swaroop Kandala, Shwetha Prasad, Swetha Kotichintala, Ramavaram Harish Rao, “STUDSAT–A Student Pico–Satellite for Imaging”, 59th International Astronautical Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, Sept. 29th–Oct. 3rd, 2008, IAC–08.E2.3.4