Research & Publications

Working something out with Noam Faust, Paris (2016)

Research Grants and Funding


Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. University of Lyon.


Post-graduate research fellowship (masters), AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom). 

Associated with the MPhil in Linguistics, University of Cambridge.


In preparation. Minority Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory. Isogloss. (with Michela Russo)

2021. Phonological Solutions to Morphological Problems. The Linguistic Review, 38(3). (with Heather Newell).

Editorial: Phonological solutions to morphological problems. The Linguistic Review, 38(3):321-326. (with Heather Newell).

2020. Current Issues in Representational Phonology. Acta Linguistica Academica, 67(1). (with Katalin Balogné Bérces).

Editorial: Guest Editor's Note. Acta Linguistica Academica, 67(1):1-2. (with Katalin Balogné Bérces).

2017. Headedness in Phonology. Glossa: a journal of theoretical linguistics. Ubiquity Press.


Peer-Reviewed articles

2024. Nasal Assimilation Counterfeeding and Allomorphy in Haitian: Nothing is still something. Linguistic Inquiry,  55 (2): 255–286. (with Mohamed Lahrouchi).

2024. Positional Debuccalisation of /s/ in Spanish Dialects: the variable cyclicity of prefixes. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 9(1). 

2023. A Classless Analysis of Italian Nouns and their Theme-Vowel Alternations. Isogloss, 9(1)/2, 1-36. (with Nicola Lampitelli).

2022. Pseudo-Allomorphy of Articles and Articulated Prepositions in Llanito (Gibraltar). Linx (en ligne), 84.

2022. Cross-Morphemic Palatalisation in Getxo Basque Empty positions, bipositionality and place licensing. The Linguistic Review, 39(4):587-613. (with Katalin Balogné Bérces).

2022. Metrical Exceptionality and Stress Shift in Romanian Nouns and Adjectives. Isogloss, 8(1)/4:1-29. (with Sofia Alexei).

2022. An Argument for Phonological Stress French: the syntagm over contrast. Journal of French Language Studies, 1-17. (Discussion section).

2021. Olts, oltódj, oltass, oltakozz: A felszólító módú alakok palatalizációjának templatikus elemzése autoszegmentális elem és elrendezés típusú modellben. Nyelvtudományi Közlemények, 117:351-378. (with Katalin Balogné Bérces).

2021. Labiovelars and the labial-velar hypothesis: Phonological Headedness in Bare Element Geometry. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 6(1).

2021. A Phonological Reanalysis of Morphological Segment Deletion and De-affrication in Ik. The Linguistic Review, 38(3):483-516.

2021. Lenition and Metathesis in Hawu: a quantity-sensitive language. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 20:1–25. (non-anonymous peer review).

2020. Segment–zero alternations in Galician definite article allomorphy floating consonants at the left-edge of morphemes. Acta Linguistica Academica, 67(1):1–16.

2020. Initial lenition and strength alternations (v/b) in Neapolitan: A laryngeal Branchingness condition. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5(1), 11. (with Michela Russo).

2018. Arabic stress without moras, extrametricality or syllables. The Linguistic Review, 35(4):561-600. (with Noam Faust).

2018. Articles of Italian Unite: Italian definite articles without allomorphy. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 63(3):359-385. (with Noam Faust & Nicola Lampitelli).

2017. Breaking the Symmetry of Geminates in Diachrony and Synchrony. Papers in Historical Phonology, 2:164-202. (with Michela Russo).

2016. The Typology of the distribution of |ʔ|: the propensity for bipositionality. Papers in Historical Phonology, 1(1):109-129. (with Mohamed Lahrouchi).

2010. C-Command, Projections and Melody: Microparameters of the Han-Template. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 57(4):398-410.

2009. The Internal Structure of Compounds: A phase account of aphasia. Iberia, 1(1):143-168.

2008. The Formal Dynamism of Categories: Fricatives vs. stops, simplicity vs. primitivity. Poznan Contemporary Studies in Linguistics, 44(1):121-146.

Book Chapters

In Press. Reconciling the debate about final obstruent voicing: the phonology of Lakota obstruent lenition. In: Kuznetsova, N.,   Anderson, C. &  S. Easterday (eds.), Rarities in phonetics and phonology. Language Sciences Press. (with Geoff Schwartz)

2023. Prevocalic Tenseness in English, Binarity and the Typology of Long Vowel Distributions. Elements, Government & Licensing. pp. 77-88. UCL Press. (with Katalin Balogné Bérces)

2021. Accounting for the definite articles in Medieval Italian and Modern Dialects: No allomorphy, a common UR. In: Russo, M. (ed.), The Emergence of Grammars: A Closer Look at Dialects between phonology and morphosyntax. NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers. Ch. 4. (with Michela Russo)

2017. Formalising the markedness of syllable structure. In: Samuels, B. Beyond Markedness in Formal Phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 153-190.

2017. Bogus clusters in Tuscan Italian and the Theory of Sonority. In: Lindsey, G. & A. Nevins. Sonic Signatures. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 277-298.

Book Reviews/Discussions

2022. Discussion in: Becker, Michael (auth.) “Cairene Arabic stress is local”. Radical: A Journal of Phonology, 4, 239-247.

2018. Book review of: Morphological Length and Prosodically Defective Morphemes by Eva Zimmermann. In: Phonology, 35(1):157-167

Book (in preparation)

Allomorphy of the Article in Romance: A modular, item-and- arrangement, decompositional account.


A Field Theory of Stress. Ph.D. SOAS - University of London


Co-Editor - 2018-2023

Radical – A Journal of Phonology

Editorial Board

Member - 2023-present 


Cited Manuscripts

2017. Afar nominal morphology without noun class features. (ms.)

2007.  Floating Consonants in French: the need for skeleton at input. (ms.). SOAS, London. ROA/891-0107