Opensource contributions

I'm very interested in contributing to high impact, opensource projects. For the last two years, I'm actively involved in ONAP, which is an opensource Linux Foundation project that helps operators of large networks to automate the management and operation of massive global scale network services and platforms. I've been leading the community efforts as the Project Technial Lead for the ONAP Optimization Framework Project, which provides a platform where one could quickly develop production-grade optimization applications. In particular, I've driven the specification, architecture and implementation of Homing and Allocation Service (well-known in the community as "HAS") - a distributed resource broker that enables automated policy-driven optimized placement of services on a global heterogeneous platform using ONAP.

Homing And Allocation Service

HAS is a policy-driven placement optimizing service (or homing service) that allows ONAP to deploy services automatically across multiple sites and multiple clouds. It enables placement based on a wide variety of policy constraints including capacity, location, platform capabilities, and other service specific constraints. HAS is architected as an extensible homing service that can accommodate a growing set of homing objectives, policy constraints, data sources and placement algorithms. It is also service-agnostic by design and can easily onboard new services with minimal effort. Therefore, HAS naturally extends to a general policy-driven optimizing placement platform for wider range of services. More information on HAS can be found here.

My Bitergia stats in ONAP:

Bitergia stats