Agility Classes

All Agility Classes are 6 weeks long and the cost is $95.00

Description of Classes

Dogs enrolling in agility should have basic obedience training. Confidence, safety, obstacle control, and handling are taught in these classes. The Handling Classes are designed for those students interested in competing with their dogs in Agility Trials. All of our agility instructors are highly qualified and compete not only in agility but also in obedience with their dogs.

(Classes ARE LIMITED in size and pre-registration is required)

Please note: Students must contact the appropriate instructor(s) to sign up for classes. This must be done prior to the start of class. No drop-ins are accepted. No carry-over of missed classes will be accepted.

Foundation Fundamentals

Monday 6:30 pm

Instructor: Hilary Karrer & Kim Havens

This class is open to dogs and handlers new to agility. Handlers will work their dogs on and off lead, teach and shape behavior, as well as basic flatwork. Dogs will learn body awareness, recall, interactive games with handlers and learn to work through distractions. Any exposure to the contact equipment will be at below normal height for the safety of the dogs. The emphasis of this class is to promote comfort and confidence within the agility ring.

Prerequisite: All dogs enrolling in this class must have had a foundation obedience class, and a reliable recall.


Beginner’s Agility 101 - (Pre-Competition Essentials)

Wednesday 6:30pm

Instructor: Christina Angelico-Scully

This class is open to dogs and handlers that have taken the Foundations Fundamentals I class. Handlers will learn how to build the relationship with their dog along with the trained behaviors that will allow them to excel in Agility. Each week, handlers will build in three areas: Sending, Contact Behavior, and 1,2,3 Jump skills. Any exposure to contact equipment will be at below normal height for the safety of the dogs. Emphasis in this class is to build dog/handler engagement, agility vocabulary, and recognition of challenges they will see on courses broken down into small manageable pieces.

Prerequisite: Foundation Fundamentals


Beginning Handling 201

Wednesday 8:00pm / Instructor: Jill Sporer

Tuesday 8:30pm / Instructor: Georgette LaPorte

Thursday 8:30pm/ Instructor: Georgette LaPorte

This class is open to dogs and handlers wanting to continue to build a stronger agility performance. Emphasis will be on reliable contacts, introduction to weave poles, short sequences, incorporation of handling skills that were introduced in Foundation Fundamentals II.

Prerequisite: All dogs enrolling in this class are comfortable and confident with all the agility equipment and understand and can perform the skills introduced in Beginner Agility 10I.


Intermediate Handling

Tuesday 6:30 pm

Instructors: Sandy Case

This class is open/excellent level. Class consists of perfecting necessary skills and learning new ones, working on weaknesses of both dogs and handler, analyzing courses for critical points and establishing correct lines, getting ready to move into Master's level. .

Prerequisite: All dogs and handlers enrolling in this class must have a clear understanding and proficient performance of all the agility equipment, including weave poles.


Competition Handling

Thursday 6:30 pm

Instructors: Georgette LaPorte

This class is open to all dogs and handlers that are competing at the Open/Excellent level. Challenging sequences will be presented and explained so dogs and handlers can expand and master effective and efficient handling skill suitable for advanced competition. Remedial work will be addressed as needed.

Prerequisite: All dogs and handlers enrolling in this class must have a solid obstacle and weave pole performance and be actively competing in the Open /Excellent level.