6 Basic Facts About The Automatic Voltage Regulator

Electricity generation is on large scales in industrial areas, Voltage units, electricity units, and much more. The electricity which is produced here is of very high capacity and speed. It needs proper regulation and balance for the sake of smooth functioning. Automatic Voltage Regulator plays a vital role in balancing the voltage rates at various electricity units. It ensures that the current is managed carefully and no mishap occurs at the workplace. Voltage Regulator manufacturers in India create sustainable quality products. The products are of high durability and work well in all conditions. In this blog, we will understand some facts about the Automatic Voltage regulators in detail. They are as follows- 

Basic Facts About The Automatic Voltage Regulator

Constant Voltage- 

A tremendous amount of electricity is produced in big factories and electricity-producing units. During such times, there is a need for a generator mechanism. The generator needs a balance of the Voltage to function smoothly. Suppose the workload at the factory is sometimes very high and vice versa. This causes fluctuations in the generator. The changes of Voltage in the generator are not suitable for the functioning. Hence, Automatic Voltage Regulators keep the fluctuations in the voltage constant all the time. It is not possible to keep the Voltage at the exact constant. But, it can be kept slightly high or low per the requirements. 

Input Range- 

While buying an Automatic Voltage Regulator, you should always check the input range. The AVR should have the feature of the input range. The input range button or options help specify the Voltage content for the Regulator. You can set the field as per your requirements. This will also create a clear understanding of the high voltages. When the AVR has an Input range, it can easily regulate the changes in the load. It will be able to take more load and Voltage when the input range options are specified. 

Reference Voltage Maintenance- 

Another essential feature of an Automatic Voltage Regulator is it maintains the reference voltage well. Reference voltage specifies the minimum or average Voltage that needs to be held for the smooth functioning of the AVR. Sometimes, the workload is a little, and hence, the required Voltage also becomes less, which causes fluctuations. These fluctuations create a difference between the actual Voltage and the reference voltage. In such cases, the AVR Monitors the situations well and analyzes everything. Then, it will minimize the difference observed due to the less workload. 

Servo Motor and Relay Types- 

There are two types of Automatic Voltage regulators: one is a servo motor, and the other one is a relay type. Servo voltage stabilizers are expensive and have generally been used for commercial spaces. They have high pressure and voltage control ratios. On the other hand, Relay types are typically used for household purposes. They have low capacity and hence are best for home purposes. They are inexpensive when compared with the Servo motors. 


Automatic Voltage Regulators are essential for the safety of all electrical devices. They are vital for both residential and commercial purposes. They maintain the voltage levels and reduce the fluctuations caused by the functioning. The fluctuations are caused because of changes in the workload. They maintain the safety of your devices and keep you away from any electronic device hazards. 

Multiple Uses- 

Automatic Voltage Regulators are used for multiple purposes. They are installed inside the factories, generation units, electricity production areas, residential areas, cement factories, and motor vehicles. Owing to their multiple uses, they are popular among the masses. All the electrical background persons should have a basic understanding of these facts of AVR. 

Above mentioned are some of the facts about the Automatic Voltage regulators. These facts need to be understood by every electrical person well for perfect installations. If you have a commercial unit or residential area where you have been considering installing AVR, this article will surely help you. Stay connected for more such informational blogs of isolation transformer & stabilizers from the Shakti Electronics.