
The Mascoma Sailing Club is the host of the annual Griesbach Regatta.

All competitors are welcome!  This is a sloop regatta scored using the Portsmouth Handicap Number System (USPN). 


Marga and Ernie Griesbach came to Enfield for many years as guests at Kluges.  In 1986 they bought a condo on Lake Mascoma and in 1990 moved to a house in Canaan.   Ernie met Dick Lathrop, who was manager of the Dartmouth Sailing club, in the summer of 1988 in a rescue operation.  When Ernie was having problems one afternoon on the lake sailing his "beer cooler", as Dick described it, Dick motored over to help him.  They became good friends, and Dick later helped Ernie find a good boat, a Rhodes 19.  When Ernie died from complications of surgery in 1992, Marga donated the Rhodes to the sailing club and Dick initiated the Griesbach regatta, which has become an annual event in Ernie's memory.  

The history of the Griesbachs is remarkable.  Marga and Ernie were both German Jews.  Marga was captured by the Gestapo in Germany and taken to a ghetto in Riga, Latvia.  She was later shipped to a concentration camp, Stutthof, in Poland and then to a labor camp.  Those who were able to walk were marched back to Germany, but Marga was able to escape with her mother, who suffered severe frostbite.

Ernie's family moved from Germany to France in 1933 because of oppression.  When the Germans invaded France, Ernie's sister was arrested by the French and placed in a camp, Guers, for German Jews.  The rest of Ernie's family escaped.  The sister, however,  was released when the firm that she had worked for indicated that she was an essential employee.  As she was heading back toward her home in Bordeaux, she stopped in the marketplace of a small town and remarkably bumped into her family, as they were fleeing.  The reunited family headed to Spain, crossing the Pyrenees on foot.   They reached the US in 1941.

Griesbach Regatta

      2023 Griesbach Regatta: Results

      2022 Griesbach Regatta: Results : Photos

2019 Griesbach Regatta: Results

August 5, 2018 Griesbach Regatta: Results

August 6, 2017 Griesbach Regatta: Results

Griesbach Regatta 2016: Results

August 1, 2015 Griesbach Regatta: Results

August 2, 2014 Griesbach Regatta: Results

July 2013 Griesbach Regatta: Results

Griesbach Regatta 2012 Results

Griesbach Regatta, Saturday, July 30th, 2011 : Results : Photos

Griesbach Regatta, Saturday, August 1st, 2009 : Results : Photos

Griesbach Regatta 2008 Results

Labor Day Regatta

Labor Day Regatta, 2019 : Results

*Labor Day Regatta, September 3, 2018: Results

*Labor Day Regatta, September 5th, 2016: Results

*Labor Day Regatta, 2015: Results

Monday, September 1st, 2014: Results

Monday,  September 2nd, 2013 : Results

Labor Day Regatta 2012 : Results

Monday, September 5th, 2011 : Results

Monday, September 6th, 2010 : Results : Photos