Honors & Awards

  • IET Fellow

  • IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecturer (Term: 2020-2020)

  • IEEE ComSoc Young Professional Award (2019)

  • Haijun Liao , Zhenyu Zhou , Xiongwen Zhao , Bo Ai , and Shahid Mumtaz "Task Offloading for Vehicular Fog Computing under Information Uncertainty: A Matching-Learning Approach " IEEE 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCM), June, Tangier, Morocco , 2019 (Best Paper Award)

  • Zhenyu Zhou, Junhao Feng, Bo Gu, Bo Ai, Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez, Mohsen Guizani "When Mobile Crowd Sensing Meets UAV: Energy-Efficient Task Assignment and Route Planning", IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2018 (Best Paper Award:IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Systems Integration and Modeling )

  • Editor in Chief of IET Journal of Quantum Communication

  • Vice Chair: Europe/Africa Region- IEEE ComSoc: Green Communications & Computing society

  • ACM Distinguished Speaker

  • Vice Chair for IEEE SA-P1932.1 (Standard for Licensed/Unlicensed Spectrum Interoperability in Wireless Mobile Networks)

  • Winner of Research/Travel Fund for International Young Scientists , NSF China

  • IEEE Senior Member

  • Visiting Researcher at Bell Lab, Antwerp, Belgium

  • Project Evaluator/Reviewer at EU COST, NSF-China, HEC-PK

  • Scholarship for PostDoc : FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

  • Scholarship for PhD: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

  • Awarded an "Alain Bensoussan" fellowship by the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) to pursue research in communication networks for one year at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

  • Winner of IITA Samsung Scholarship, South Korea.

  • Cisco Exam with 98% Marks
