Shade Tree LLC (hereafter “Shade Tree” or “We” or “Our” or “Us”) provides applications for smart phones. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time and can always be viewed on our website at

This document provides information regarding our policies that relate to the use and disclosure of personal information that we receive from Shade Tree LLC customers and/or end users that use the apps.

Shade Tree Customers

  • We do not share or sell any personal information about Shade Tree customers to any third parties.

What information do we collect?

  • None

How do we use the information we collection?

  • We do nothing with it since we do not collect any information.

What information do we share?

  • Well, we share none because we do not collect any information.

End Users

  • We do not collect any information.
  • We do not use the information since we do not collect information.
  • We do not share or sell any personal information of end users to any third parties since we do not collect information.
  • The applications could display links to other websites that may use cookies and/or other data collection tools.
  • Shade Tree is not responsible for the privacy policies of such websites.


This section applies to visitors to Shade Tree website.

  • If a visitor contacts us by e-mail or via a contact form, we may keep a record of their contact information in order to respond.
  • When a visitor visits the Shade Tree website, our servers automatically record information sent by the browser, such as the computer’s IP address, browser type, pages of our site that were visited and other statistics.
  • We may use cookies to monitor our website usage and web traffic routing on the site. Visitors can set their browser to stop accepting cookies or to inform them before accepting a cookie from the websites visited.
  • This site may contain links to third-party websites that are not related to Shade Tree and we assume no responsibility for the content, terms and conditions or privacy policies of any third-party websites.